Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Old Japanese Village

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  • 1,400 downloads, 0 today

How to find on server: /warp JapaneseVillage

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mista man's Avatar mista man
Level 44 : Master Sus
A village of ninjas hidden in a dense forest

The build features:
  • A temple/shrine
  • Multiple small homes
  • A town hall and larger house for the village's elder
  • Seperated area for wealthier homes
  • A small theatre
  • Hot springs
  • Dense forest area with houses inside
  • A port with market stalls and a small boathouse
  • Main street with an Inn and shops
  • Ninja academy with training halls, classrooms, dormitories and a cafeteria

The build is mostly finished, with some interiors left to be completed, however I may update the build in the future since it was made before blackstone blocks were released

I used BSL shaders for the screenshots
To go to the build join orcacreative.tk and do /warp JapaneseVillage

The download does not have the custom maps, those can only be viewed on the server

If the downloaded map spawns you in the void tp to these coordinates: 26318 96 10639
Creditcolimbo for helping wiht the build
Progress90% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by mista man 07/13/2021 7:58:21 pmJul 13th, 2021

Added world download

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07/12/2021 9:16 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User3656063D's Avatar
How to telecharg it ?
