Minecraft Maps / Educational

Sanctuary of Eleusis - a Greek and Roman temple complex

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Elonel's Avatar Elonel
Level 23 : Expert Miner
**FIXED LINK to the correct map***
I made my best effort to make a realistic and accurate reconstruction of the Eleusinian shrine in Greece.

Eleusis was the chief seat of the worship of Demeter and Persephone, and to the mysteries celebrated in honor of these goddesses, which were called the Eleusinia, and continued to be regarded as the most sacred of all the Grecian mysteries down to the fall of paganism.
Eleusis was the site of the Eleusinian Mysteries, or the Mysteries of Demeter and Kore, which became popular in the Greek-speaking world as early as 600 BCE, attracted initiates during Roman Empire before declining mid-late 4th century CE. These Mysteries revolved around a belief that there was a hope for life after death for those who were initiated. Such a belief was cultivated from the introduction ceremony in which the hopeful initiates were shown a number of things including the seed of life in a stalk of grain.

The Mysteries began with the march of the mystai (initiates) in solemn procession from Athens to Eleusis. The rites that they then performed in the Telesterion, or Hall of Initiation, were and remain a secret.

The reconstruction is of Eleusis in its roman phase and does not include the houses and bathhouses surrounding and the acropolis atop the hill.

Version is 1.16.3

Check out my other greek sanctuary Samos!

Built using worldedit, the shaders in the photos are by Sildur
I would like to credit evilsketch, whose statues I edited and used in my build and is an Inspiration.
I would like to credit Dineth, from whose amazing temple build I used reformed Corinthian pillars and some of the pediment.

I also have a classical architecture Tumblr with an Eleusis tag with many of the building reconstructed here.
Progress100% complete

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03/27/2021 10:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
this is an awesome map! I wish I could use it for a roleplay I wanted to do, but all my mods are in 1.12.2
02/24/2021 12:50 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Miner
jdoggamer888's Avatar
tis strange when i died everything is gone and i'm in a taiga!
10/16/2020 9:17 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
misterich's Avatar
Wow - amazing



Keep on with those buildings/projects!
You should also think about splitting some of the creations here in stand alones.
