Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Steampunk Selavaris Cityscape - A Gear Grinding Isle

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Uknownymous's Avatar Uknownymous
Retired Moderator
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Steampunk Selavaris Cityscape - A Gear Grinding Isle Minecraft Map

A rising Steampunk City upon an island, with blimps and hot air balloons of sorts floating about, all powered by a purplish, magical force of steam that glows ever bright through night and day, lighting up the city through its existence. Tracks run around through the isle, ready for apparent trains to blast full steam ahead from building to building; place to place, giving the residents of the isle enough passage to get between the structures both above and below the ground. The isle itself, much unlike the buildings, is still highly natural, overrun with leaves and flowers and waterfalls and bright green grass, a bright gathering of glorified colour with various archways and outcrops and cliff-sides, showing the denizens of this steampunk isle have hardly harmed the territory in the slightest, barely impacting upon it with their structures rising up and spreading out more on the higher levels to have less footprint upon the earth, while few of the tracks so much as touch the ground around and their methods of travel are either high up with trains or yet higher, flying above the city as a whole. To generate power for the city, gears hover and move through the air, procuring steam with their spinning and twisting and the frictious force gathering energy within.
It would be no surprise to know the city management focuses highly on preservation while looking after its people well.
Steampunk Selavaris Cityscape - A Gear Grinding Isle Minecraft Map
Yet... The city isn't exactly the most welcoming. Not quite.

The city has known many an invader in its time, and while it has managed to repel every single one through some mix of skillful soldiers, height advantages, technological prowess and the valuable energy they've managed to generate, and sprinkles of sheer dumb luck, they still have others attempt invasions due to the aforementioned energy. It's more than worth the plundering, after all. It's far more than worth being plundered, as demonstrated with it fueling the entire city as an easily renewable energy source all by itself, present in every single one of their constructions, from structures to vehicles and else.
So... In a way to at least potentially reduce invasions, they carve daunting faces upon their structures and amass balloons and gears on the outskirts to watch out for and impress readiness and willingness to "address" "visitors", as attempts to intimidate any opposition that dare to approach. This isn't as evident at day, but most invasions tend to take place at night, attempting to use the cover of the pitch black to achieve the advantage of surprise, and this, well...
This is when the intimidation's at its brightest, most malevolently blatant, with every single fright glowing bright and clear, lighting up the dark, dark night.
Steampunk Selavaris Cityscape - A Gear Grinding Isle Minecraft Map

Fortunately... This has been enough to keep the isle safe from invasions as of yet. There have still been a few who've dared to try anyway, but usually only those without caution, and those without caution aren't often known to be well-prepared so they're not that hard to send away... So, the islanded steampunk city lives on.

As for more technical thoughts about the build, uh... I built most of the terrain back in May and didn't really have the motivation to finish it at the time because it felt like it was too much for no purpose and I had commissions I could focus on instead, so... I did. I finished the terrain a few days ago though and have been working on this since the 8th of August once again, starting with the terrain and colouring it and adding leaves and flowers and water, creating the structures and planting them around, adding on the blimps as well and the gears floating about, and the balloons and tracks as more final touches to add on with the lore-based intentions. :) I really wanted a steampunk creation after all, so, I made one. ^~^ Here it is, and here's the lore I thought about when making it and, well, some of the thought process in making it too. Overall the build basically took around 5 days now, but the terrain back then took like 5 days by itself even though I hadn't finished. I was so, so much slower back then. :) Glad to have sped up at building.
I hope it looks nice. ^~^
And if you've read to this point, thank you. :D It's appreciated. :) I hope it was interesting to read.
CreditBuilder's Refuge as the location of building it, and Sildur's Vibrant Shaders as the wonderful shaders responsible for the lovely lighting I rather do like. :)
Progress100% complete

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10/02/2020 3:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3247869G's Avatar
Quip Nytherum
09/06/2020 4:51 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Fox
Quip Nytherum's Avatar
I cannot imagine how you got so good at this. I also can't imagine how much time you spent creating such a beautiful build.

I especially like the purple hue, though that might be because I love purple :D
09/06/2020 4:56 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
I appreciate that. ^~^ But honestly this one didn't take as long as some of the others. :) I mean- a few months ago (May) the terrain base took pretty long as I was way less efficient back then, but I finished off the terrain and added the structures and blimps and gears and railways in somewhat under 5 days recently, so it may be easier to imagine. :) Although when I say under 5 days I mean spending the majority of each day building, so whether that's short or not depends on opinion as that'd still be several dozen hours building afterwards. :D
I'm glad you like it- and glad you like the purple hue too. :) I agree. Purple's a lovely colour- Especially for magic.
Anyone can improve by practicing enough and giving enough thought to it though, and that's how I improve, myself. :)
Dronko fire blaster
08/20/2020 9:34 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
08/19/2020 9:17 pm
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Alien Architect
MugenCraft's Avatar
another amazing build keep it up man you can tell that you pour your soul into each build <3
08/19/2020 11:46 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you, Akuma. :D I appreciate the motivation. :) It helps. :)
08/18/2020 1:30 pm
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
The rails are amazingly well-made!
08/18/2020 2:43 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you! They- are quite probably the piece that took the least time in the build, so thank you; it's good to know that idea definitely worked out. :) I made three little pieces and organised them around and had sponge beneath them to be ready to do "//gmask air,35,32,185,95" and "//replace <sponge sponge" and then replaced the sponge with fence, yes (as fence seemed to work a lot better than cobblestone walls which I originally tried), and the rails themselves were rather small simple pieces as there were just three and I made them so that the three would attach to each other easily if I pasted them around when rotating them and flipping them to make a track. :) Just rather pleased that actually seems to have worked out well.
08/21/2020 1:41 pm
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
Ahh, it's nice to hear about your process in creating that part. Possibly a reason why I was so impressed by the rails is that I generally find it hard to pull off, and I think many others struggle similarly, when combining patterns with off-axis extensions, rotations, and even curves, all of which you managed to integrate seamlessly
08/21/2020 10:14 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Ah, that's quite fair. Many do seem to struggle with the rotations and curves, but I made the rotated piece in a few minutes while most may've had less time to focus on it due to building the entire rails differently, while I built each piece and had extra time to focus on them. The method of building being mostly by hand but using copying and pasting to create scenes gives me more leeway on focusing on detailing and shaping more. o: I imagine others may manage to create rails more seamlessly too if they were to go about it in a similar manner - probably, anyhow.
