Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Ender Mansion {Massive Minecraft house} [READ DESCRIPTION]

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Level 45 : Master Architect
The Ender Mansion

Lost To the ages the Ender Mansion was believed to be a myth. However some still believed that the wandering night stalkers known as endermen once derived from a single family home owned by a John Ender millennia ago. John Ender was cruel. he was extremely well known for leading people into his beautiful home, enticing them to eat his food, and that his home was a safe respite for weary travelers. On the contrary, john would always wait for their slumber before dragging them down into the depths to preform his cruel and horrible experiments, until finally one day, he vanished. it is believed that that is his horrible creatures that he called "endermen" revolted, due to the fact that they were all past humans, and turned an unexpecting john into an enderman himself, thus silencing his gruesome story.

My girlfriend and I spent a few days making this because we wanted a nice big house to play survival on, its prelined with chests and minimal gear for a fresh survival start, and is compatible with most Mods out there, so if your feeling generous, feel free to drop a diamond to show some ove for our hard work. ^-^


This project uses items from the following mods:
  • Thaumcraft
  • Witchery
  • Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod
  • BiblioCraft
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Gravestones Mod
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CreditHelper: CookieCat414
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by LichOftheNorth 12/29/2019 11:17:10 pmDec 29th, 2019

Now With Schematic file! View the build online! |Note that some items may be wrong or missing without the mods from the list|

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05/29/2016 4:34 am
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
Exterrior is looking good but interrior could use some love x)
12/29/2019 11:45 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Yea, I agree.
05/29/2016 12:31 pm
Level 45 : Master Architect
We wanted to keep internals simple, so as to keep the download as vinilla as possible. It's meant as a single player home, so most decorations will be added by the player.
