Minecraft Maps / Minecart

Tourist Trains (End Update Version - Fabric 1.19.2)

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mine1989's Avatar mine1989
Level 47 : Master Musician
This project includes a slightly modified Spawn Village, an aquarium (for a better aquarium look my other project "The Aquarium"), the Tourist Islands, the Tourist Cave (for a better and bigger cave look at my most successful project "The giant cave"), a skyscraper (for a better skyscraper look my other map "The Futuristic Skyscraper"), a nether castle, a nether village, an End Village (with a restored End City), the End Beach, the infinity room, and a planetarium. Furthermore the map contains three surface railways: a 4000 block long circular crossing various biomes, a 6000 blocks long straight leading to the Tourist Islands, and finally a 5600 blocks long straight leading to the Tourist Cave; also the map contains two railways in the nether useful for reaching the tourist islands and the tourist cave faster, and a 1700 blocks long railway also in the nether leading to nether village; also the map contains a very long circular railway in the End 8000 blocks long, and a railway through the new 1.18 caves which connects the spawn village and the tourist cave; finally the project includes three ice slides: one in the nether that connects the nether castle to the nether village, and two in the End that join the End Village with the End Line and the End Beach.

Originally this project was in 1.10.2, and contained only a circular line of 2000 blocks; subsequently I moved to 1.12.2 and I doubled the length of the circular line and I built the railway for the tourist islands; subsequently I moved to 1.14.4 and I built the aquarium and the third surface line; later I moved to 1.16.4 and I built the skyscraper, the nether castle, the nether village and the three lines in the nether; later I moved to 1.18.1 and I built the infinity room, the planetarium, the line through the 1.18 caves, and I rebuilt the railway for the tourist islands; finally I switched to the modded 1.19.2 version and I built the End Village, the End Beach and the End Line: for a long time I had been planning to build a railway in the End, and I wanted to wait for the End Update to do it; but as minecraft version 1.20 still won't be the End Update I finally decided to use Fabric 1.19.2's Enderscape Mod to build said railway.

The download file, in addition to the map itself, contains the Enderscape Mod with its dependencies, then contains the file to download Fabric 1.19.2, and finally contains an add-on of the Mine1989 Official Resourcepack that makes the blocks of the Enderscape Mod of the style of my resourcepack.

Previous versions of the map:

1.10.2 version
1.12.2 version
1.14.4 version
1.16.4 version
1.18.1 version
Modded 1.19.2 version

Creditlunarbunten for Enderscape Mod
Progress100% complete

15 Update Logs

Update #15 : by mine1989 10/26/2022 11:42:25 amOct 26th, 2022

Added an End Village

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06/13/2020 8:06 am
Level 29 : Expert Network
TUD11's Avatar
don't see how this is a Minecart map
06/13/2020 2:40 pm
Level 47 : Master Musician
mine1989's Avatar
The reason why this is a minecart map is that the project consists of various sights linked together by railways.
05/28/2020 9:59 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
Souper256's Avatar
Looks pretty cool! Maybe you could add some towns and a few more stations. This map is inspiring me to make something like this. Overall, nice map.
05/28/2020 4:23 pm
Level 47 : Master Musician
mine1989's Avatar
Some time ago I had already thought about adding some intermediate stations, but then I gave up because it breaks the sense of the map: that of being in front of the computer screen to enjoy the passage of the various biomes (not surprisingly I tried to make the railroad as straight as possible so you don't even have to move the mouse). However, it is possible that in the future I will add some new lines and new sights on arrival.
04/30/2020 5:14 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Seems like it would be a relaxing ride around the entire world. :) I like the idea of this. It'd be nice if there were more sights to see in it than just the natural world though so hopefully you add more creations to a tourist railway in the future.
04/30/2020 8:03 pm
Level 47 : Master Musician
mine1989's Avatar
Thanks for the comment! As soon as the final version 1.16 comes out, I intend to add railways in the nether that cross the new biomes, also useful for reaching the overworld destinations first. About the new buildings, however, for the moment I am not going to build new ones, since I have designed this map mainly to enjoy the journey in itself while admiring the various landscapes.
04/30/2020 8:27 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
You're welcome for the comment. :) Good luck with the additional railways going through the Nether and the many new biomes present there. :o And I see; that's a fair enough reason to not add more buildings - the journey and landscapes are nice. :)
