Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Vast Quartz Semi-Fantasy, Baroque Floating Military Base, Airfield, & Naval Base

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MinecraftMilitaryGaming's Avatar MinecraftMilitaryGaming
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
Here it is! It's taken more than 2 months of hard labour and quite intense world-edit manoeuvering to make this happen. My quartz-based, semi-fantasy, baroque floating military base has been realised in Minecraft.

It's a crazy project, designed to house all of my most extravagant builds, and crucially all the warships I've built so far and those I've yet to begin. It will also house tutorial projects from other creators, such as Garrett2By4 and others.

Everyone should have a Minecraft base and this is mine. Quartz is my favourite building material in Minecraft (can you tell?) and I've used it abundantly here. This is something I've wanted to create for a long time. I'm delighted with how it's turned out. I hope you like it.

Here's the crucial information. The base is over 1000 blocks north-to-south and over 800 blocks east-to-west, with the latter figure set to rise the most as that's the direction I'm likely to expand in. It's been built in the world of Paralon, a fabulous world painter map made by the Paralon team here on Planet Minecraft, although it wasn't originally built on this map, and the whole thing had to be painstakingly moved, piece by piece from its previous home (not fun!).

This project is still a work-in-progress, although all the main structures are finished. All that needs to be done is filling out the world with tutorial builds by Garrett2By4 (my chosen YouTuber for high-quality land and air military machines), plus populating the world with junk, equipment and designing interior spaces. And also warships, which are all (and will continue to be) designed by me. Jetties can be seen on most of the corner points of the base so that it can be expanded in any direction, for more ships and other elements to be placed in the future.

Also worth mentioning. The reason all the ships are in one straight narrow channel is to collate all my past ships in one place (apart from the submarines). New builds will be put elsewhere. It took a very long time to convert some of the ships from my old resource packs into my current one (my remix/modern update of Flows HD 1.14 to work with 1.19 and have 100% texture coverage - and no I'm not allowed to share it for obvious reasons).

Finally, a disclaimer: All the builds on the base are mine except for the following:

  • Queen Anne's Revenge - Designed By LordDakr (although I built some of the sails since he doesn't show each sail block-for-block)
  • The throne chair inside the Tower - Not visible in the images I've showcased above, but it was designed by Jakara
  • The Titan II nuclear ballistic missile inside the three missile silos on the military base - Designed by Garrett2By4
  • The large-scale flags on some of the warships - Originally designed by EBProductions
  • The two aircraft on display on the Erie-Class Gunboat and the Dunkerque-class Battleship - Both designed by LordDakr
  • The two Greek-style Villager statues outside the front of the mansion - Designed by Goldrobin
  • The large tree outside the front of the mansion is a world edit schematic (T349) - Designed by Exsilit
  • The US Railroad Crossing and the UK Level Crossing, along with the train tracks and points system - Designed by CraftyFoxe
  • The world itself is built in Paralon, the complete version of it - Designed by the Paralon team
Please don't claim any of my work as your own.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, please leave a comment and a diamond if you like it and let me know what you think! Positive constructive criticism is always welcome.

I will post again soon! Starting with my warship builds!

Progress100% complete

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08/28/2022 9:24 am
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Shmee1501655's Avatar
Really good. i wish i could download this.
08/28/2022 6:04 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
MinecraftMilitaryGaming's Avatar

Thanks for the kind words, I've already responded to this request below. It might happen at some point in the form of individual schematics for some of the buildings, but the whole base is unlikely I'm afraid.

I'm glad you like it so much that you'd want to download it, though. I appreciate that greatly.


08/23/2022 11:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4291617G's Avatar
is there a way to download this map?
08/24/2022 6:05 am
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
MinecraftMilitaryGaming's Avatar

Unfortunately not, for a couple of reasons. I don't want to make my work freely available because of the amount of time and effort it took to make, but also there's a practical reason which is more important. The world my base is built on is Paralon which is over 30GB, plus as Paralon is made by another fantastic team who have put Paralon on their Patreon, I can't publicly make it available for download for obvious reasons.

Individually, schematics are surely possible at some point, elements such as the submarine pens, the drydock, the hangars and buildings in the military base and other buildings can be split up and turned into separate schematics for public download. I might do that if there's enough interest but again it would be through the Patreon platform for personal remuneration for my hard work.

Thanks very much for your interest, though and your appreciation is welcome :)

08/21/2022 8:30 pm
Level 24 : Expert Miner
TheFilipinoBrice's Avatar
Nice work, got any tips for making a Air Force base?
08/22/2022 4:56 am
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
MinecraftMilitaryGaming's Avatar
Thanks for the compliment :)

As for tips, I can tell you how I made mine if that's any help. I used online diagrams of runways to help design the pattern, I'd already decided on the size so I made the pattern fit the size and adjusted things where necessary. As for the size, the runway is about half the minimum length for an actual runway if it were serving passenger jetliners. It's around 900 blocks long and extra-wide because I might put some of Garrett's planes on there, which are double-scale.

As for the taxiway, it needs to connect at each end of the runway (if the runway can operate at both ends) and there need to be diagonal connections along the runway (more if the runway is longer than mine) so that planes have more than one exit point depending on the speed of the landing and space for other aircraft. Again, I looked at online diagrams for taxiways to help figure it out. The hangars are all designed to line up neatly with the taxiway, so there are uneven spaces between some of the hangars so that they can fit properly.

I'd recommend planning it out carefully, maybe on a scrap of paper and then figuring out basic dimensions before you begin the styling. Also, look at lots of images and diagrams of the real thing to help you nail it down.

I hope that helps,


