Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

The Wanderer's Library

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Level 41 : Master Architect

Hidden in a valley and protected from the harsh climate by the surrounding mountain range lies the Wanderer's Library.
This remote place offers sanctuary to all travelers who manage to find it.
With its gravity-defying architecture, most visitors can't help but wonder whether these stones were truly laid by human hands.

The library has four hanging bridges leading up to the entrance, each with their own gate.
At the entrance of the library is a flight of stairs leading down to a tiny square at the exact center of the building. This opens up downwards into the main library. The stairs are overseen by four balconies and even further up, from the outside of the building, is a second entrance which leads down to a hidden part of the library.

After the last project I posted (Old Cathedral) seemed to be well received I decided to once again start building something.
I didn't really have any inspiration but I wanted to build something medieval. (I can only build in medieval style)
The build that followed was made over the span of a month.
However, most of the time wasn't actually spend on the build itself.
Apparently, the save format changed during the last 1.13 update which caused most tools I use to change the land and make pretty pictures to break. But after a lot of effort spend and time wasted I finally managed to not corrupt my save file and create this.

I hope that you all enjoy it :)

The terrain was created with World Painter using the Conquered_ Tree Collection.
The renders were made with Cinema 4D using Mineways.
In the renders, I made use of the Atherys Ascended Resource Pack.

A 1920x1200 version of the images above can be found here if you're interested.

There is no need to ask for permission to use one of my projects for something.
It'd already be more than enough if you would just mention my name and the post.
Progress100% complete

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Mine Maus Craft
05/30/2020 11:09 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Looks very beautiful, I like the bridges also the bridges in your other project :-)
05/31/2020 7:16 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
Yea, the bridges are by far the most fun to build :)
03/16/2020 11:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
this based off scp?
03/29/2020 5:37 pm
Level 41 : Master Architect
nope, I just randomly came up with the name. I only recently found out that there actually also is an scp by the same name
07/27/2019 5:29 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Wait Is It For 1.13 Only?
07/27/2019 5:29 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
If I Download It It Works But When I Play It Doesn't Work Anymore And Crashes Could You Help?
03/31/2019 5:32 am
Level 38 : Artisan Mage
Can I use this build on my RPG server? IllI credit so that everytime someone goes near it, it will say "Valthrii's library" :)
03/30/2019 11:25 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
i like
03/30/2019 8:23 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Architect
03/31/2019 1:41 am
Level 41 : Master Architect
thank you!
