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Level 41 : Master Loremaster Procrastinator
I am uploading this pack today in case I miss my chance, and there will be more blockstates published soon. I have several already painted and ready to go, but I need to go to bed because i have school tomorrow. If you are interested please favorite this resource pack so that you are up-to-date on these updates.


This resource pack is the aforementioned continuation of Less Leaf Litter which adds block states to the litter. There are 6 different kinds of litter, and more may be added. I tend to overthink about making the textures so if this resourcepack is actually too cluttered, please let me know.

I was supposed to finally post this pack yesterday, but I had an after-school event.

I spent most of the time figuring out how to write the blockstate stuff. I need to lay down. You are free to use this pack as a template if you are struggling with adding block states to this particular block; I know that PMC is incredibly talented and full of ideas, so I want to see what you are all capable of.

I am vaguely new to making textures, so please give me feedback on how to improve.

Block states added:
Dead leaves (default, edited slightly to reduce clutter)

Leaf Litter Variety Minecraft Texture Pack

Fresh leaves (may be biome-dependent in the future for badlands consistency)

Leaf Litter Variety Minecraft Texture Pack


Leaf Litter Variety Minecraft Texture Pack

Miscellaneous forest debris


Oak tree debris

Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.4

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by GardenLikesMusic 01/15/2025 5:35:38 pmJan 15th

-Added a cover. I'm struggling to find a style for my resource pack covers which is why all of them are screenshots right now.
-Added 4 new varieties: Flowers, stones, branches and oak tree debris

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01/24/2025 12:03 pm
He/Him • Level 23 : Expert Sus Imposter
how does this work
01/26/2025 6:40 pm
Level 41 : Master Loremaster Procrastinator
I'm not sure how to answer this question so I'll try to answer it in as many was as I can. I am also REALLY BAD at explaining stuff.

In the snapshot 25w02a Mojang introduced leaf litter blocks, and this pack adds blockstate variants to that block, because a lot of the community thinks that just the sheer amount of the stuff in forest biomes looks bad.

Blockstates work in so many different ways but this pack changes the texture of a block (i.e. leaf litter) based on its placement in the world, so it is completely randomized and coordinate-locked. Blockstates are actually a really vital part of basic Vanilla minecraft, and it's why crops can grow and lilypads have different faces and stairs can connect. From what I know there are 'variant' blockstates and 'multipart' blockstates, and I learned that leaf litter (as well as pink petals and wildflowers) is a multi-part blockstate, which basically means Huge Pain In The Ass To Do The Technical Work For.

The resource pack works because in the .json file of the leaf litter, it gives the block multiple options for how it can appear. it randomizes which model it will use (in this pack they're all the same model with different names) and each model is connected to a texture (the textures are what is different in this pack) and you could really have an infinite amount of blockstates on one block, the only limit is creativity.

honestly i think that this is built on dark magic lmao i can't really explain how this works because now that i think about it blockstates resource packs are technically mods because they add options that did not exist beforehand
02/06/2025 3:43 am
He/Him • Level 23 : Expert Sus Imposter
01/15/2025 10:52 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Creeper
01/13/2025 2:08 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
Dope, please let me know once you add more :)
01/15/2025 5:45 pm
Level 41 : Master Loremaster Procrastinator
the new update is here
01/21/2025 1:40 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
