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Fourth of July Blog! Why I Hate Hashtags

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Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar Eli the Zeratoed
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Happy Fourth of July Everyone!

Fourth of July Blog! Why I Hate Hashtags

"Firey Fist Of Pain,
Here we Come!!"
Fourth of July Blog! Why I Hate HashtagsFourth of July Blog! Why I Hate Hashtags

Yep, it has come to that time again... The Murican Freedom that holiday brings. Even if you haven't lived in Murica, you probably still Celebrate it, but not as big as Murica. It's the year we Wrecked the Greedy 1700s British Guys (Modern Britians are very cute, and those Voices!! Ah, IHE...) and called the country "Murica!". Normally here, people go out and Barbecue those Hot Dogs and Steaks, a lot of Murican Food. And in the end, you get to see pretty Fireworks. This also came about that another Steven Bomb comes, and it has the "Too Short to Ride" episode, I hope it works out as planned... Anywho, We're not here to talk about that! We're here to talk about the Dumbest Murican Symbol known to Humankind! Brace yourselves... It's called... The Hashtag!

You know this Abomination? Even if you do live Under a Rock, this Symbol is everywhere. From The Entirety of the Internet, to even things like Subway. Really Subway... Is this how you Treat your Customers!? Well, this little thing sneaks into everything, even in Costumes... Really!? It's about as Evil as Emojis!

Like are you kidding with me!? Next thing you know this Symbol comes into Plush Animals- Oh come on! I just gave them an Idea! Besides all this, This Symbol literally took over our minds and forced us to use it in every conversation to sound hip and relevant. It's like that Father and Son duo from Total Drama Ridonculous Race, only with the Father spitting out Hashtags...

That Kid is literally my Reaction to those things. A bunch of Companies just try to Ram it down your throat saying "Hashbutt Buy This Product We're Desperate!". Do you see the Immaturity from these Hashtags? It makes big companies look like babies. Well enough of that, let me give you a History Lesson about these things. To The Tardis!

There are Three Types of Hashtags we are going to look at today. There's the Sharp, The Pound Symbol, and the Number Symbol. First off, lets talk about the Pound Symbol.

The Pound Symbol:

This is the Most Common Argument when people try to stop the Monster known as a Hashtag. To be honest, I've never heard of this as a "Pound Symbol" until I looked up something like "I hate Hashtags". This Symbol was used in the 90s (I think...) where it was known as the British Pound Dollar Sign. It even makes sense that the Pound Symbol is next to the Dollar Sign. It was also used for Telephone Numbers too, but when I researched for this (I only research if I don't know a thing!), I found that it was a Money Symbol. Gee, so basically if you took something like "#Yolo" (I hate writing it out...), you're basically saying back then "Yolo Pounds" or "Call Yolo". It makes a bit more sense, but "Yolo Pounds" do not make sense in out society, so a Person will glare at you saying "What's a Yolo Pound? Is that a New Currency?" and think you're crazy. Next, we have the Number Symbol.

The Number Symbol:

Ah, this is the Symbol I remember the most out of my Childhood. This Symbol made me love the Symbol every time it came onto TV, until a Hashbutt came along and wrecked my childhood. When using this as a Number Symbol, it's most commonly known in Movie TV Spots. I also saw one for Video Games like Skylanders, like "It's the #1 Kids Game in 2011!". They use it a lot, but not to the point where it's annoying, since it doesn't happen that often. Besides Movies, you can also use this for Rankings too. Like "I'm #1 and you're Done!" Here's how Today's "Hashtag" fits in with that long Time Period... If you say "#Yolo" (So Painful...) during those times, people would think you said "Number Yolo". They would literally think you were an idiot for saying that's a number, when Clearly, it isn't. They would say "Did you even go to school? That's not a Number!". Alright, the last thing, the Sharp Symbol.

The Sharp Symbol:

If you have played any instrument, you would understand what this thing is. I think most of you are like "What's a Sharp?" right now, so let me explain. A Sharp is a symbol that makes a note Higher than it normally is. So if you were listening to a song like "The iCarly Theme Song", if you sped it up a teeny bit, that whole song has Sharps. So if you put a dumb Hashtag back into the 1800s or back farther, like "#Yolo" (Last time I promise, Hate these so much...), you would say "Sharp Yolo". It sounds a bit cool nowadays when you say it, but if you said it to Beethoven back then, you would hear him say "Haha! You don't know anything about the Sharp, do you? I'll teach you about it!" and he will teach you about it, or possibly insult you. Okay... Back to the Future!

The Verdict:

In Conclusion, This "Hashtag" thing is something we should be ashamed of. It could be the biggest mistake as a Species as a Whole. The Real Purpose of Twitter's "Hashtag" Feature is so that you can easily find topics faster and easier. Sites like Giphy use this feature correctly. Now it turned into a crappy thing we use wrongly every day. This was all my Opinion, so if you come back and say "Oh they're Awesome!" I would respect your Opinion, but you shouldn't use Splash on me. It's not very effective, even when you try, and you'll just look like a Magikarp. What Symbol do you wish was Popular? Leave a Comment Down Below and I'll see you next time!

Happy 4th of July!

"No! Not The Mitten!"


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07/05/2016 3:16 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
Are Hashtags really that bad? It's part of the internet pop culture today, something to have fun with and enjoy. Just because the symbol has different meanings, doesn't make one of the meanings dumb.
07/05/2016 6:13 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
It's Just your Opinion, man. xD I won't splash on you, I'm just putting my opinion out there, and if you don't respect it, it's fine.
07/05/2016 6:19 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
yea but I don't get your reasoning for your opinion.
07/06/2016 4:31 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Let's not Splash, okay? It will only get worse if we continue...
07/06/2016 9:29 am
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
ok I get it, you don't want to talk to me
07/06/2016 9:29 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
No, I'm just not a Fan of Arguments, that's all. They're just Pointless... Just like the Move, Splash!
07/04/2016 12:40 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent
Zitzabis's Avatar
07/04/2016 9:08 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Me too, but if you hate Hashtags, why are you using one? (Are you a Hypocrite!? :o)
07/04/2016 10:19 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent
Zitzabis's Avatar
07/04/2016 11:28 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
...Well, since it's Your Opinion about Hashies, I'll let you off the hook this time, but why would a hashtag hater use a hashtag anyways? I would prefer *IHateHashtags better than that. Asterisks seem better than this abomination known as a hashtag. *shrudders* Whatever, I'm not going to Splash at you.

PS: Since You're the 1st Mod to Comment on here, I'll use your Hashtag on there...
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