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Living on Dirt: The Block We Don't Appreciate.

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charman305's Avatar charman305
Level 43 : Master Ranger
IntroductionDirt. If you had to put it in a category, it would probably go under "noob blocks" or "unuseful blocks". We really take it for granted. Without dirt, minecraft wouldn't be minecraft.

What? No way!
That statement above is probably what you are thinking. In no possible situation dirt is good, right? Well, believe it or not, it is good. Think about it this way. We need to eat, correct? If you don't, you die. So you could hunt, but it isn't a steady food supply. So, we farm. But without dirt, how could you farm? You can't plant seeds in cobble or whatever else would be there! It doesn't work.

Huh. But Besides That, Isn't it Bad?
Actually, no. Dirt is great for on the go. It's easy to grab, and when you need a hole patched up in your mine, why use another block other than dirt! It fills your chests and you have a lot of it, so it's great to patch things up.

It's also good for a house if you are exploring. It's simple and easy and a great use of it. Not just noobs build dirt houses. They may look crappy but they ARE good for making a first house or, as I said earlier, an exploration house.

Sounds Good, But Why Not Other Blocks?
Dirt is the easiest block to obtain that you can actually build with. (Gravel and sand don't count cause they fall when you place them.) By far. You spawn on top of blocks and blocks of dirt, (unless you spawn in a desert) and you can break dirt with your hand much easier than you can break wood.

Dirt is just a beautiful block. It could you used for tons of different things. If it looked good I bet dirt houses would be the main houses.

Dirt isn't useless after all. Rethink dirt. It isn't the block all of us think it is.


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11/13/2013 11:44 am
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
If it had to go in a category I'd put it in "Block I use thousands of to create huge farms, half of which I don't even use and only build to look like some amazing player even though I am extremely mediocre."
11/12/2013 7:59 pm
Level 42 : Master Batman
Patriots_Terran's Avatar
I made you 50th sub ONCE AGAIN lol :p Nice blog!
11/13/2013 5:19 pm
Level 43 : Master Ranger
charman305's Avatar
11/12/2013 7:36 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Demolitionist
PopTart_Flavored's Avatar
11/12/2013 1:39 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Dogz9221's Avatar
Dirt is also good for Making walls in caves so mobs don't get in.
11/11/2013 10:57 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
therchef's Avatar
This made my think of Sips from the Yogscast
