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Stuff About My Character

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TheNewTK421's Avatar TheNewTK421
Level 29 : Expert Miner
This Blog talks about stuff related to my character, including things like lore pertaining to particular canons in which variants of him appear. This may be updated over time to either add new stuff or improve old stuff.

General Information:

My character is often depicted as a person who wears a blue jacket, an orange shirt, and black sunglasses (or shades or whatever you want to call them.) Some variants of him might feature him wearing differently-colored clothes, however. At other times, he might be shown wearing something other than his usual getup, but he is probably wearing his normal clothes underneath. He does not have a specific name, so what he is referred to depends on the canon he is in.

  • The jacket he wears is based on a real jacket I own. I used to wear it quite frequently along with a pair of sunglasses/shades/whatever. I don't wear the jacket as much as I used to, though.
  • I have worn orange shirts before, but I don't think I really did when I wore the blue jacket. At the very least, I didn't do so very often. The orange and blue is probably meant to be a particular color scheme.
The Character's Lore According to Different Canons:

Primary Animated Canon:

In my primary animated canon (which consists of series such as Roasted Meatloaf), the guy in the blue jacket is someone with a forgotten past. He doesn't remember his name or who he used to be. He is in his teenage years in his "regular" form, but his exact age is left (intentionally) ambiguous and other points of the timeline might depict him at different ages. He was found in a battered and unconscious state in a yard by two people named Jeff and Damien, who became his close friends after they helped him get himself together. It is unknown how he got into the state he was found in. Another thing to note is that he got his getup sometime after he was found; when Jeff and Damien found him, he had a similar looking getup, but it was not the same (he had sunglasses and an open jacket, but they looked different, particularly in that they were not the same colors.) He was given a black car which he drives sometimes (such as in the first episode of Roasted Meatloaf), and he lives in a house which contains various strange contraptions and devices within, many of which are hidden from plain sight. Given that he has a car, one might speculate that the blue jacket guy is around 16, but since this is a fictional universe, some rules might be slightly different. Or he could be breaking the law, but I don't know if I want to go with that interpretation.

The protagonist's new life as a guy in a blue jacket proves to not be the most predictable. Some situations he faces are more or less what many average people may face, while others take more unusual turns. His world has a number of strange (and occasionally dangerous) inhabitants, and some visitors are even more so...

  • The black car which the guy in the blue jacket drives is based on a car which my dad drove for some time before giving it to my older brother David. The real car is a Ford Crown Victoria.
Secondary Animated Canon:

I've thought about maybe doing another animated canon of some sort, but as of yet I don't really have any ideas of what to put in said canon and how to make it different from the primary one. I suppose maybe if I make another animated canon it could be a canon that includes some story ideas that were considered for the primary but later got cut due to not working well or something. I don't know, though. Stay tuned, I guess.

Scratch Lore:

There is not always a strict lore for the blue jacket guy in his appearances on Scratch. Particular details tend to depend on what Scratch series he appears in. There are certain constants, however, one being that on Scratch he is typically referred to by my Scratch name, "YesterdaysTomSawyer". He is sometimes referred to by at least one person as "Sawyer" for short. It is also referenced multiple times across a number of Scratch series that thenewfn2199 is Sawyer's brother, as that is my brother in real life, although these two do not always appear together. Most Scratch projects which I have made on Scratch (many of which at this time are currently unshared, waiting to be reshared) don't really seem to form any particular canon of any sort as of yet, so for now I will mostly focus on the series of others which I have appeared in, starting with thenewfn2199.

thenewfn2199's Animated Projects:

YesterdaysTomSawyer as a character tends to appear in a number of animations made by thenewfn2199. There are some that don't really seem to be part of a particular canon, but others do sort of connect in a way. Some examples of series Sawyer appears in include Scratch Quest (a cancelled series which exists in its own universe apart from the primary thenewfn2199 lore) and thenewfn2199 in Minecraft (which is part of thenewfn2199's primary animated lore as I understand it), and I also make appearances in standalone special projects which are part of the primary lore. Sawyer is often depicted as more of a side character than a main one, though he has a more prominent role in Season 1 of thenewfn2199 in Minecraft and also defeats Vector Guy (who is not related to Vector from Despicable Me) in thenewfn2199 Generations. It's established that thenewfn2199 is not human but some humanoid species with the ability to change appearance in particular situations (ripping off taking inspiration from Doctor Who) and has done so on particular occasions. This ability of his is meant to canonically explain updates to his character design. Despite the fact that this would imply YesterdaysTomSawyer is a member of the same species, he has not undergone any such transformations in any of the animations.

  • Apart from having my character appear in thenewfn2199's projects, I also did some voice acting and old character designs for other characters which exist in the lore(s). I made old designs (which were later replaced by designs made by thenewfn2199) for characters such as Penelope, Peak, and (I think) Pop the Penguin/Penguiniso/Pearson/whoever (the surname has changed a couple times), and I also did voice acting for Peak and Penelope (yes, I'm a male person who voiced a female character; it's not that weird, trust me) as well as Hack Cat (the main antagonist of the cancelled Scratch Quest series.)
  • When my character appears in thenewfn2199 Generations, archive audio from the first episode of Roasted Meatloaf is used as his only voice line. I did record new lines for Penelope, however.
Rush2113's Series:

Rush2113 (whom some might know better as DoctorValeyard2150AD) has YesterdaysTomSawyer play a part in some series he's making. In this series, Sawyer is given the task of recovering five crystals of different shapes which, according to Rush2113, power a machine which helps keep the universe in balance. Sawyer is skeptical at first, but ultimately takes the job. Meanwhile, Scratch Cat is transported away to a realm run by mysterious alien beings and is reunited with his father, an older Scratch Cat with a beard. The series is still in early development at the time of this writing, so that's pretty much all I have regarding this. I don't entirely know what direction Rush2113 will go with the series, but I'm pretty much okay with him doing what he likes. It's all just fiction after all. At least Scratch Cat is okay for now...

  • The first episode of the series, "An Important Arrival", uses a time card from a project called Playing the game [sic] made by Scratch user Astro947 (uploaded on his alt account Astro947RMXs.) Astro was a major influence on WazzoTV, who in turn was a major influence on my animated stuff.
  • "At Last We Meet", the episode where YesterdaysTomSawyer first appears in the story, shows him using a chair, a table, and a computer which first appeared in a project I made called Goodbye Flash Player (which was about the end of Flash Player back in the earlier 2020s.)
  • In "The Mission's Briefing", YesterdaysTomSawyer mentions "Daydog" as a possible cause of universal chaos when speaking with Rush2113. "Daydog", a character created by Scratch user Nightcat, is some sort of malicious and powerful entity who, according to some documentations of him, rose to power at 7:38 PM on January 23, 2023, and took control of the world. Also, according to a humorous comment by Nightcat, he apparently is connected to the Scratch website becoming purple (although this is, of course, not the case in real life.)
  • Scratch Cat's dad, who first appears in "A Strange Realm Called 'Home'", is a modified version of the Scratch Cat who appears in SLATCH VS SCRATCH: PART III [THE FINALE] by WazzoTV.
  • Also in "A Strange Realm Called 'Home'", a picture of Jeff (from my primary animated canon) can be seen in a hallway. The picture indicates that he is the founder of a hotel.
Planet Minecraft (PMC) Lore:

I've thought about maybe making some PMC lore for a version of my character (who would probably be referred to as "TheNewTK421" or "TK", though maybe not always), but I don't know if I have any ideas. I might have him make some sort of cameo in a Yellowshirt Lore story Blog somehow, but otherwise I wouldn't know what exactly to do with him. Below are details regarding my character in other people's lores.

TravisaInc's Lore:

According to "PMC in LittleBlockyCube's Lore", TheNewTK421 exists as a resident of PMC. In "The Story of Travisa Inc (P2)", it is revealed that TK works at Travisa Inc, a scientific company which, according to "The Story of Travisa Inc (P1)", has somewhat of a troubled history due to actions performed by founder Dr. Amusa (who was eventually unwillingly uploaded into Dr. Travisa [alongside her assistant Everlyn] sometime after death.) According to "The Story of Travisa Inc (P2)", TheNewTK421 is involved with many other activities which occur at Travisa Inc, including working alongside and assisting in the development of Dr. Travisa (Travisa Inc's Central AI), supervising the production of White Travisa Inc Turrets, holding a meeting with other scientists proclaiming the superiority of Travisa Inc over another scientific company called Innovation Inc, holding a mock trial of some sort, testing lemonade, and other such tasks. TK almost became part of the manufacturing department, but the forewoman's daughter got the job instead. Also, he has a phone which is both fireproof and waterproof, which is nice. When overseeing Dr. Travisa getting her morality core, TK takes a pill and turns into a teenage girl. That's an unexpected twist but okay. After this, TheNewTK becomes Dr. Travisa's researcher and is in charge of pressing Dr. Travisa's activation button. He She (because I guess he's a she now) also oversees the demolition of the RMS Domic and assists AllenGramDeDains with keeping lemonade in his chest. Overall, TheNewTK421 is shown to be a successful and hard-working (wo)man.

  • Travisa Inc and much of the lore surrounding it appear to take heavy influence from the Portal and Half-Life games. Dr. Travisa takes inspiration from GLaDOS of Portal's Aperture Science (which Travisa Inc is influenced by to some extent), and Gordon Freeman (the protagonist of the Half-Life games) is mentioned in "The Story of Travisa Inc (P1)".
  • "PMC in LittleBlockyCube's Lore" states that IGEBM's lore exists as an alternate universe. IGEBM confirms in a comment that TK (along with any other PMCers he knows about) is in that universe, though to my knowledge he isn't officially mentioned/referenced anywhere yet.

TheNewTK421 exists as a character in IGEBM lore, though so far he isn't officially mentioned anywhere. However, the Circle of Caring Souls, PMC Soda Community, and Fruit Club groups, which I am part of on the real PMC, are all documented in "PMC in IGEBM Lore". I'm also a collaborator on "The PMC Cemetery", created by LegendarySi, which is canon to this lore. More info will be added after more becomes available.


Non-Canonical Stuff:

I don't really think I need to talk that much about non-canonical stuff. You generally get the idea that this is the random test animation stuff and other random things that don't fit in a particular canon, so detailing of consistencies is not really necessary since stuff that exists outside of any established universes cannot necessarily be expected to remain completely consistent. Sometimes non-canonical stuff incorporates stuff from particular canons (for instance, characters such as Jeff from the Primary Animated Canon and thenewfn2199 from thenewfn2199's Animated Projects might appear in some things), but they still remain separate from those canons.

Additional Trivia:
  • The thumbnail features multiple variants of my character. One is the version which appears in animated stuff (or at least the current design featured in animations), a sort of pixel art variant (which I've planned to put in a game), a mediocre "realistic" variant of my character (which looks like a character in an old Flash animation because I made it in GIMP), and also my Minecraft skin (which, as of now, is an edit of Steve wearing my clothes.) The showing of different designs is just to establish that my character might have different designs depending on what kind of thing I want to put him in, though in most cases he tends to appear as the first one on the left because that's probably the simplest one to put in most scenarios. I might update the thumbnail over time to add more variants, although I'd have to make sure there's room for more.
  • I do have facial hair in real life, but not all variants of my character do. I don't know, I guess it's partially because it might look a bit strange in some cases.
  • My legs are hairy in real life, too.
  • My hair isn't always a perfect bowl cut because a lot of the time I tend to have a lot of hair, so sometimes there's a sort of split in my hair in real life because otherwise it goes down into my eyes. My hair's also sort of messy in real life due to this.
Alright, so there's what I have for now. This will be updated over time if I have something new to add or if I just want to improve some things. Feedback would be appreciated, but of course is not necessary.

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by TheNewTK421 08/29/2023 9:19:03 amAug 29th, 2023

  • Expanded upon the TravisaInc's Lore section (though I actually also condensed some stuff.)
  • Added Trivia to the IGEBM Lore section (though right now it just consists of something that I moved from the main part of the section.)
  • Added some links to referenced material (that were left out before.)
  • Made other additions/edits here and there (including some stuff in the section for thenewfn2199's Animated Projects.)
  • Updated the disclaimer thing in the additional credit again (this one doesn't have anything to put in parentheses.)
I still have to add images to this eventually (maybe I'll add filler images at some point and add better images later.) I also might restructure some stuff in the future in order to get details and stuff better organized and all that, but that won't happen for now. Not sure when next update will be out, but I do kind of want to space them out a bit.

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08/23/2023 8:39 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
TheNewTK421's Avatar
Oops I forgot to link to some stuff. I'll have to fix that sometime soon.
08/22/2023 8:44 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
yeah I can confirm that you’re in my lore

I did want to have you cameo alongside some other PMCers in Apocalypse chapter 7, but I couldn’t figure out how to write you in

(also, any PMCer I’m aware of is officially a character in my lore)
08/23/2023 10:22 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
does that mean I'm in there
08/23/2023 10:57 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
indeed it does :D

you’ll get a dedicated dropdown for your character when the time comes
08/23/2023 10:58 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
08/22/2023 9:04 pm
Level 29 : Expert Miner
TheNewTK421's Avatar
Cool. Good to know.
07/25/2023 2:37 am
Level 44 : Master Procrastinator Nerd
SoapSoapSoap's Avatar
wow this somehow motivates me making the "comic book" blog I delayed for 4 months
05/18/2023 12:52 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
DoctorValeyard2150AD's Avatar
Your buttocks are ENORMOUS.
How does one get such unique physique?
05/18/2023 1:05 am
Level 29 : Expert Miner
TheNewTK421's Avatar
Being a mediocre artist, being extremely disorganized, something else... I guess?
(My body's not that disproportionate in real life... or at least I hope it's not. I'll admit sometimes I look in the mirror and it kind of does look a little weird in some ways. I don't know if that's because I pretty much never exercise or if it's just because I'm kind of lanky in a sort of odd-ish way. I don't know. I should get outside more in any case.)
(I don't think they're that enormous, but I guess I'll agree that I did have some problems with stuff. I think they were almost even bigger before I used scaling to downsize some stuff.)
05/17/2023 9:29 am
He/Him • Level 44 : Master Lemon Cake
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
Whoa huh this is a lot
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