Minecraft Data Packs / Weapons and Armor

Combat+ [NOW FOR 1.20!]

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Required Resource Pack
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer Cyborg
Welcome back everyone! This is ImCoolYeah105's datapack ported to 1.19! Everything is just as you remembered it, but now for 1.19!

To Get the Recipe Book, craft a crafting table and a book together!

Combat+ adds 8 new classes of weapons, each with their own unique combat system. Try out alternatives to the standard 1.9 cooldown mechanic.

Currently adds:
  1. Sickles: linear cooldown only triggering on hit instead of on swing
  2. Hammers: axe-like variant to sickles
  3. Scythes: Damage Decay system- damage decrease slightly on hit and recharges over time
  4. Maces: axe-like variant to Scythes
  5. Katanas: Combo damage system- damage starts out low, but increases with each successive hit
  6. Knives: Like weaker swords, but can be thrown with right click
  7. Arc Stars: A sticky grenade that explodes after a short delay, which does not break blocks
  8. Spears: No cooldown
This pack no longer has dependency on Datapack Utilities, just plug and play! It is also multiplayer friendly!

Credit to Jachro for making awesome weapon textures for ImCoolYeah, here's his Fiver.

Ported over to 1.20!
CreditImCoolYeah for allowing me to port his pack to 1.19
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
toMinecraft 1.20

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by ThePatriotsCommandXS 07/09/2022 12:36:53 pmJul 9th, 2022

Fixed the knifes not dealing damage to undead mobs

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07/15/2023 5:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
This doesnt seem like its working for 1.20.1. It doesnt detect me placing a sword on a smithing table to make the Armory Table as the website says you are supposed to do.
I can still give myself the items through the /function commands, but some of them don't behave right either. Throwing the knife for example hits you instead of the target, and some of the weapons dont seem to have their functions right.

Spears still have to be spawned in through these functions rather than being a world item. And Arc stars should have a better trajectory like that of a Snowball or Enderpearl (currently it drops to the ground after about 5-6 blocks), though this *might* be a bug for the Arc Star.
07/15/2023 10:07 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer Cyborg
  This doesn't seem like its working for 1.20.1. It doesn't detect me placing a sword on a smithing table to make the Armory Table as the website says you are supposed to do.

This pack does not have the armory table. Just use a crafting table.

  Spears still have to be spawned in through these functions rather than being a world item.

I don't think they are very balanced (1.8 combat is OP), so I did not add a recipe. You are welcome to if you would like.

  Throwing the knife for example hits you instead of the target, and some of the weapons don't seem to have their functions right.

This only seems to be the case if you are looking down when throwing, but I'll try to fix the damage box. (I couldn't figure out which weapon wasn't functioning right, seem to be working to me)

  And Arc stars should have a better trajectory like that of a Snowball or Ender pearl (currently it drops to the ground after about 5-6 blocks), though this *might* be a bug for the Arc Star.

This was a design choice by me as I did not like the previous way that the trajectory was calculated.
07/15/2023 10:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Makes me feel better to know that half of my nonsense was right. Looking forward to a fix <3
07/05/2023 8:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
There are some issues:

-The recipe book doesn't show the recipes.

-Item name, description and overall data are missing.

-Even when using the texture pack, there are no textures.

It's unplayable at the moment.

Version: 1.20.1
07/15/2023 10:07 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer Cyborg
This is all a resource pack issue. The item names are also using the resource pack, so make sure that you have it installed and enabled. Press F3+T to refresh packs.
06/25/2023 10:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Why does the pack give me all weapons and fill my inventory with recipe books??
06/25/2023 2:00 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer Cyborg
you have a recipe granter pack enabled. You cannot have a pack give you all of the recipes, otherwise it will give you all of the items
06/26/2023 1:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
06/21/2023 11:32 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
the dp works, but the resource pack is not working on 1.20, fix please?
06/22/2023 10:06 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer Cyborg
