Minecraft Data Packs / Mob


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Lokeary's Avatar Lokeary
Level 53 : Grandmaster Crafter


Please keep in mind that this Data Pack is a work in progress and may have bugs, nothing world corrupting though... I hope. I plan on adding more to this pack and I would love to hear any suggestions!

This Data Pack allows you to summon Herobrine into your world to haunt and scare you and your friends.

It's survival and multiplayer friendly and there WILL be jump scares so watch out!

This Data Pack is inspired by the original Herobrine creepypasta and the classic Herobrine mod that us veteran players love so much!

    Summoning Herobrine
Click to reveal
Once the Data Pack is installed, you'll need to build a Shrine in order to summon Herobrine. To do that you'll need...

-Eight Blocks of Gold

-One Block of Mossy Cobblestone

-One Block of Netherrack

-Four Redstone Torches

-A Flint and Steel or Firecharge

SUMMON HEROBRINE | White Eyes Data Pack 1.16+ *WORK IN PROGRESS* Minecraft Data Pack

To build the Shrine just place the eight Blocks of Gold in a ring shape on the ground, then place the Mossy Cobblestone in the center of the ring, next place the Netherrack on the Mossy Cobblestone, then place the four Redstone torches on all four sides of the Netherrack, but connected to the Blocks of Gold and not the Netherrack, and finally light the Netherrack with you Flint and Steel or Firecharge.

There will be some lightning followed by a special message in chat ;)

From this point forward Herobrine will stalk you wherever you go in your world. Keep in mind that you can unsummon Herobrine at any time by breaking any part of the Shrine.

Also, if one shrine is already lit than you won't be able to light another one until you break the first one, this way there won't be infinite Herobrine's running around.

      Herobrine Behavior
Click to reveal
Once the Shrine is lit every In-game tick will have a small chance to spawn Herobrine behind a random player and wait for them to turn around. When they do he'll enter one of two modes...

           Sighting mode

In this mode Herobrine will quickly vanish after being looked at by any player.

A sound will be played to the player that looks at him to indicate that he has been seen.

If any player gets too close to Herobrine their game will crash.

          Weeping mode

In this mode Herobrine will behave as a Weeping Angle. He will move very quickly towards the nearest player as long as no player is looking at him.

He will move closer every chance he gets and a sound will be played every time he is seen by a player.

He cannot fly or jump, so he can only follow a path that any other mob could follow. Use this to your advantage while attempting to escape.

He will never vanish as long as a player is looking at him. The only way to get rid of him is to run very far away or trap him somewhere where he cannot reach any player for over thirty seconds.

If Herobrine reaches a player their game will crash.

          Additional Behavior

Herobrine is not effected by players in Spectator mode

If you want to increase or decrease the rate at which Herobrine spawns you'll need to go to this directory in the data pack...
White Eyes/data/white_eyes/predicates/sighting_chance

Increase or decrease the "chance" value to change Herobrine's spawn rate. Keep in mind the maximum value in 1 so don't bother going any higher.

If you want to increase or decrease the chance of Herobrine entering Weeping mode when seen by a player you'll need to go to this directory in the data pack...
White Eyes/data/white_eyes/predicates/Weep_chance

Increase or decrease the "chance" value to change the rate that Herobrine enters weeping mode when seen by a player. Keep in mind the maximum value in 1 so don't bother going any higher.

Click to reveal

Step 1
Click the Download button located near the top of this page, and download the .zip folder

Step 2
Extract the .zip folder and drag the Data Pack and Resource Pack folders to these directories respectively...
.minecraft/saves/<Your World>/datapacks

Step 3
Enable the Resource Pack in game and type "/reload" in chat


       If Using Optifine

SUMMON HEROBRINE | White Eyes Data Pack 1.16+ *WORK IN PROGRESS* Minecraft Data Pack

If you have Optifine installed you probably have a setting called "Dynamic Lighting" enabled, in which case Herobrine will light up an entire cave like a torch.

This is NOT how the Data Pack is supposed to look... Only Herobrine's eyes should be Emissive with or without Optifine installed.

Luckily for you, IgorRuiz42 and I have found a way around this problem!

If you're using Opifine, all you need to do is type this command in chat...
/scoreboard players set # optifine 1

If you ever want to change it back to normal just type this command in chat...

/scoreboard players reset # optifine

       If Herobrine is Hoes
SUMMON HEROBRINE | White Eyes Data Pack 1.16+ *WORK IN PROGRESS* Minecraft Data Pack

No Herobrine IS NOT supposed to be a bunch of floating Diamond Hoes... You just didn't properly install the resource pack.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.17

2 Update Logs

Version 2.0 The Weeping Update : by Lokeary 11/08/2020 3:08:04 pmNov 8th, 2020

+ Added Weeping mode
+ Added Optifine compatibility
+ Herobrine will now despawn if he's unseen for 30 seconds
+ When activating a Shrine, Herobrine will now spawn facing you
+ Herobrine will now crash a players game if they get too close

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06/24/2021 7:19 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Its Too Good Toooo Good, But not with me IDK why, as I summon the Herobrine, My server lags LIKE SH!T, Too much lag!

and It continues all over untill I remove the datapack, it suck!

If anyone has a Solution, PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZZZ, tell me I want this to be okay,

Rest the Herobrine & BGM is too good!
Keep It Up!
06/24/2021 5:35 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Hunter
betz1576's Avatar
It's happening to me too.
I'm using Aternos Server thing
05/30/2021 1:14 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
dasuperstar1999's Avatar
Do the file has viruses?
05/30/2021 12:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Victor0911's Avatar
the data pack is very good, the only bad thing is that every time I get close to herobrine the game takes me out
05/01/2021 7:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
hisam123's Avatar
The game crash thing was unexpected, great datapack!
04/30/2021 6:07 am
Level 30 : Artisan Hunter
betz1576's Avatar
04/26/2021 8:14 am
Level 1 : New System
1066470_'s Avatar
nice dude!
04/23/2021 8:24 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast Mage
ItsMeNeon's Avatar
04/20/2021 6:01 am
Level 39 : Artisan Blockhead
VillagerN4's Avatar
Wait, weeping mode can turn on automatic or not?
04/17/2021 12:21 am
Level 22 : Expert Dragon
BlueAquo's Avatar
IT is Not working do you need to /reload? because i tried that
