Minecraft Data Packs / Tool

Ultility Datapack: FullDropRate [1.14x]

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    TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar TheDiamondPlayables
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    - I think we can all agree: 1.14 TNT is pretty amazing. It drops all of exploded blocks when it blows up.
    - The creeper and some other exploding mobs however, don't have this feature. Which can make things really irritating as you have to get the blocks to rebuild your precious home, again.
    FullDropRate Ultility Datapack!

    Features: <Click to see>
    - Mobs' Explosion Attacks now drop all exploded blocks!
    - Can be installed in combination with my other datapacks!

    - Can be installed in Multiplayer!

    How to install: <Click to see>
    For those who has WinRar:
    - Simply open the downloaded file, there will be more instructions there.
    For those who don't have WinRar:
    - Extract the downloaded file. Afterwards:
    + If you have a new Info text file: Drag the FullDropRate folder into the datapacks folder of your world.
    + If you don't have a new Info text file: Open the extracted folder, then drag the FullDropRate folder into the datapacks folder of your world.

    Support the Creator:
    If you want to support my work, you can start with the following:
    - Share this post and Subscribe to recieve the latest info, updates and more!

    - If you find any bugs (I doubt you will), then please report it to the bug reports section of the Behind The Datapacks Discord Server! You will be featured as a Bug Reporter at the downloaded Info text file!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>

    - You can also support me via Patreon! Recieve Early Access, Discord Rewards and more!
    <Click the blue letters for more info>
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

    3 Update Logs

    Version 1.2 : by TheDiamondPlayables 07/30/2019 2:57:40 amJul 30th, 2019

    - Bugfix:
    + Items dropped in lava or destroyed by any other means makes an "invisible item" instead of being
    destroyed entirely.

    Create an account or sign in to comment.

    11/05/2022 9:56 pm
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
    Quick update: Due to the new gamerules implemented in the 1.19.3 snapshots, this datapack will no longer be maintained.
    More details on the pack's development history and information can be found in my Discord Server.
    Thank you, and more updates soon!
    04/21/2022 9:46 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    Meowphedrone's Avatar
    works really strange. dirt in creeper holes doesnt seem to drop properly, but grass and leaves drops as if they was broken with shears
    06/14/2021 12:02 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Orchidette's Avatar
    06/14/2021 12:05 am
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
    Yes, why not this one?

    Still got a ton of datapacks to update though.
    06/15/2021 12:37 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Orchidette's Avatar
    That's understandable! This is very good one, I can't find one that replicates it anywhere. :/
    06/15/2021 1:44 am
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
    No one would be mad enough to sit through all the block files and work on them to make it drop that way. (except for old me I suppose)

    I sat through the entire process, remembered it taking over a week to pull that one off.

    But I wanted it happen and made the entire thing, to share with all of you.

    This and the time I made Griefless Ender Dragons/Withers are the 2 most tedious tasks I have to do to make these datapacks to date.
    06/15/2021 3:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Orchidette's Avatar
    I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know it was so terribly complicated. Much appreciated though, and love your work :)
    06/01/2021 12:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    djoh_'s Avatar
    1.16 please
    Miles Peterson
    11/13/2020 10:16 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Miles Peterson's Avatar
    Cool pack, it's exactly what I was looking for.
    I was testing it and it does kind of work even when you change the pack format for 1.16 but there is an issue that grass blocks don't have 100% chance of dropping dirt and stone doesn't 100% cobble. It works in deserts and gives all blocks broken off of a house but patching random holes around the world is still a pain.
    This is also an issue in 1.14.
    06/14/2021 12:07 am
    Level 83 : Elite Programmer
    TheDiamondPlayables's Avatar
    Thank you for letting me know.

    I believe the creeper can still destroy the item post-generation, but after some testings on that theory with invincible items, it appears as if there's still somewhere in the codes, a bit of code that deletes some items from the stash.
    Either that, or the items may not render, but is still in fact, there.
    (my money's on this)

    also,sorry for late reply, I didn't see this comment at all (notif bug?)
