Minecraft Data Packs / Server Utility

Wilderness Wanderers Update 4 | Trade datapack 1.21.0

  • check_circle Advancements
  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Recipes
  • check_circle Structures
  • 37,915 views, 1 today
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Required Resource Pack
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Engineer Dinosaur
Wilderness Wanderers Update 4 | Trade datapack 1.21.0 Minecraft Data PackWilderness Wanderers Update 4 | Trade datapack 1.21.0 Minecraft Data PackWilderness Wanderers Update 4 | Trade datapack 1.21.0 Minecraft Data Pack
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

5 Update Logs

Update 4u1 : by MinhoCreates 06/30/2024 11:43:34 pmJun 30th, 2024

Updated to 1.21.0

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07/20/2024 1:52 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
Looks good but no way I'm paying $12 for that.
07/20/2024 5:49 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Engineer Dinosaur
Thank you! ^^
06/30/2024 1:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hi, may I ask if this datapack will be compatible with version 1.21 and if so, when? I would like to use it on a server with friends and I have bought most of the datapacks from you and most of them are on version 1.21 so it would help me a lot :D
06/30/2024 11:44 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Engineer Dinosaur
07/01/2024 5:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Wow, thats crazy, thank you so much for such ultra fast help :D
By the way, while testing, I noticed that Shiny trims and Wilderness Wanderers resource packs have a problem with each other, in that the Lightning trim texture and the Structure Pattern are probably the same custom data model. Im not sure if this is the right thing to do, but when I tried it, if one of the resourcepacks was on top, it automatically changed the textures of the other one below it.
07/02/2024 12:04 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Engineer Dinosaur
Hello! Yes, I understand what you're saying. I feel really sorry about this; the error occurred because I used the same game item to serve the role of the custom item: the jigsaw block.
This was a big mistake on my part because I should have used a different item (for example, command block, structure block, etc.) since Mojang hasn't provided "dummy" items, so to speak.
I could release an update to fix this and make it compatible, but I have to consider people who are already using the current versions, as updating would render their setups obsolete.
Again, I apologize for not realizing my mistake earlier. It's something that can be fixed, particularly if you go into the texture pack and datapack and replace the jigsaw block with the structure block/command block, etc.
07/02/2024 4:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Thank you so much ^^ And there is nothing to apologize for, what you are doing is amazing and you are doing a great job!
07/02/2024 9:28 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Engineer Dinosaur
Thank you! 😊
04/04/2024 10:55 am
Level 20 : Expert Goblin
The video's and images don't work. From what I know, this may be because you used the link from discord. Discords links aren't permanent any more so you should use something else.
04/14/2024 3:18 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Engineer Dinosaur
Wow, thats screwed up. Thanks for letting me know, do you know what platform I could use?
