Season 3 | Starts September 1st
The Original Datapack Jam! Join in!
  • About

    If you want to communicate, need help, or form a team, my Discord server is a great
    place to go! We have a great community, and are ready to help! My Group is also a great place!

    So, what is MineData Jam?

    Last January, I hosted an event called MineData Jam. This is an event hosted on the basis that the Datapack community doesn't get the recognition and support they truly deserve, after being overshadowed by the modding community and the very few limitations they have. This Jam is a 1 month long event dedicated to the people of Minecraft. The makers. The Creators. The Extraordinary. This is for you.

    You have 1 month to create a Datapack for any version of the game. The wilder the better, however, there is a catch. You must create a pack that follows the theme, which is usually a sentence that can change the whole direction of your datapack. It has to somehow reach back and tie in that theme. The themes are more moral, and can be taken several ways, rather than do this, or use that.

    The theme last year was "Infection Takes All, Eventually."

    This event is hosted by @SuperSilverStone (@SuperSilverStone8), or Silver!
    All of my socials are linked here!

    If you have any questions, please join my Discord and DM me. I probably won't see the comments or PM's. You DO NOT have to join the discord, but it is highly encouraged.
  • Wall Posts

  • Guest Book

    Login or register to post to their guest book.
  • FAQs

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: Can I submit more than 1 Datapack?
    A: Yes, but we do not recommend it.
    Q: What are the prizes?
    A: Right now, there are currently no prizes, but depending on how many participants there are, there is a chance for gift cards to be given away ;)
    Q: What are the rules?

    1. Teams are allowed, but anymore than 4 can be detrimental to the team.
    2. No NSFW or hate. This isn't the spot for that.
    3. Do not steal other peoples code. Go for yourself and have fun.

    4: You must submit a datapack!
    5: You must submit BEFORE the deadline.
    Q: Is there late submission?
    A: No, there is not late submission. You must have your datapack IN by the deadline.

    (I will start going over submissions on the 30th!)
    Q: Can I submit a datapack I already made?
    A: No, you can not submit a datapack that you already made! The whole point is that you make a datapack, (using the theme) for the entire month of April.
    I have other questions!
    Please leave them on the Group Community Wall!

    How do I start?

    Q: So, How do I participate?
    A: First, wait for September 1st and wait for the theme to be released on PMC OR attend the livestream on my YouTube Channel!

    Then, create your datapack!!!
    Q: How do I submit?
    A: When time comes to submit your datapack, there will be NO FORM.

    To submit, you will upload your datapack and any maps or resourcepacks to PMC directly, and in the tags, include '#minedatajams3'

    Q: How do I vote?
    A: Voting will be done by the community! You will vote for each of your favorite datapacks!

    As a sidenote, voting is done on a "pick your 3 best!" You will pick the 3 best from that category!

    The voting will be done on:
    • Enjoyment = How much you enjoyed playing / using the datapack.
    • Originality = How original, or how unique the datapack was.
    • Presentation = How well the datapack ran, and how it was executed.
    • Use of Theme = How well the datapack stuck to the theme, or how it was used.
      (When voting for theme, thing broad. Think if it went outside the box. Don't look at the theme with face value)

      Please do not vote based on the code inside of the Datapack. If you would like to see it, you may, but if it works it works. There is not a voting category for clean code and compact code.

    A link to vote will be given on Discord, and PMC.

    What's the theme!?

    Theme of SEASON 1:
    Infection Takes All, Eventually

    Theme of SEASON 2:
    Break The Rules
    Theme of SEASON 3:
  • Content Gallery

  • Forum Thread

    Welcome to MineData Jam, Season 3!

    Season 1; Season 2; and now, onto something new. Season 3! This is a Minecraft event hosted on the basis that the Datapack community doesn't get the recognition and support they truly deserve, after being overshadowed by the modding community and the very few limitations they have. This Jam is a 2 month long event dedicated to the people of Minecraft. The makers. The Creators. The Extraordinary. This is for you.

    You have 2 months to create a Datapack for any version of the game. The wilder the better, however, there is a catch. You must create a pack that follows the theme, which is usually a sentence that can change the whole direction of your datapack. It has to somehow reach back and tie in that theme. The themes are more moral, and can be taken several ways, rather than do this, or use that.

    [​1] Do NOT steal or use anyone else's work as your own. Upload YOUR work.
    [​2] Groups are ALLOWED, if you wish! (Maximum of 3 per group)
    [​3] NO NSFW or Hate Content. This is for fun!
    [4] Submit BEFORE the deadline.
    [​5] You MUST have at least a datapack to submit.

    This event is a little different then the previous seasons. This event is 2 months long, unlike previous seasons. This means double the time to work on your pack, but it can also mean double the problems. Remember to take your time, and plan plan plan plan! This is going to be challenging, but I encourage your participation!

    The Theme will be revealed on September 1st, and updated as soon as possible follow September 1st. The video will be uploaded as soon as possible, and linked here:


    For More Information:

    Discord: [​u][​color=#d35400][​/color][​/u]
    Planet Minecraft Group:

    If you have any questions or concerns you can reach out through my discord. I have a lot going on at the moment, so apologizes in advance if I can not help you out immediately.

  • MineData Jam S2 Participants

    Always Dig Straight Down
    MC, but [Almost] Anything Can Happen
    Minecraft But You Have To Break EVERY Rule.
    Saturated [1.21 Dimension, WIP]
    Break The Rule Book
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