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  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    April 5, 2024, 11:02 am to Public
    Everytime >.< I go to drive my mom's car for what ever reason. I am so used to my truck. By habit I will thoughtlessly pull down on the switch next to the steering wheel, "to put it in gear", and all I do is turn the windshield wipers on XD
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    April 4, 2024, 5:30 pm to Public
    So I thought about streaming games/ Minecraft with me using voice chat some more. But my family never leaves home, so I never really get a quiet moment. I would just feel awkward about it. Plus I don't think you all want to hear out cockatiels chirping loudly in the background, plus my parent's TV which is always turned way up/ them talking loudly >.<
    DreamWanderer replied to Usaki's comment below 2024-04-04 17:49:16
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    ajthepeach replied to Usaki's comment below 2024-04-04 17:47:49
    ajthepeach's Avatar
    in this economy? /hj
    Usaki said 2024-04-04 17:38:46
    Usaki's Avatar
    Why not get your own house?
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    April 4, 2024, 4:15 pm to Public
    I swear I am going to destroy my back one of these days >.<. Was at work today, and decided to put all 3 boards I needed on my shoulder all at once, and carry them across the parking lot to where I needed (about 60 meters away). It didn't seem to heavy at first, But I started feeling it about halfway across. The downside I was halfway across XD
  • YokaiS's Avatar
    YokaiS shared Fiend's post
    April 4, 2024, 1:47 pm with Public
    my mom has been teaching dance to people with special needs for ~7 years, primarily people on the autism spectrum, and i volunteer in her class.
    it's always refreshing to see there's such a large community: kids and adults with the same disorder having fun together, and the parents who have worked hard for their kids to stay safe and reach their potential.
    and it's nice to know that more people will learn to love and appreciate them this month <3
    Fiend's Avatar
    April 3, 2024, 2:39 pm to Public
    Its national Autism Acceptance Month!
    Give some love to autistic creators, both on and off the site.

    Listen to Autistic People, not big organizations who silence them.
    If you want to donate, don't donate to companies like autism speaks who don't have autistic people's best interests in mind.
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  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    April 3, 2024, 7:06 pm to Public
    To this day. I still can't seem to keep myself from feeling like builds need to be done, and posted before a certain amount of days. Like "its been 3 days since your last build. get it together >=|"
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    April 3, 2024, 6:23 pm to Public
    Working on my next build. But the shapes are giving me a hard time, and my brain is just running on dial up speeds like
    Darkfap said 2024-04-03 18:29:55
    Darkfap's Avatar
    Me when I actually try to do pixel art:
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    DreamWanderer shared Darkfap's post
    April 3, 2024, 4:47 pm with Public
    =D I just like having something to talk about. I do have my memes I post sometime XD
    I also couldn't think of a wallpost, so here is one :P
    Darkfap's Avatar
    April 3, 2024, 12:46 pm to Public
    Okay, but can we just appreciate how most of us just post solid cringe (myself included) but DreamWanderer comes in here and actually tells us about his(?) day? It brings a spark of difference to the memes and bad jokes most of us post.
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  • ZappyGru's Avatar
    April 2, 2024, 7:23 pm to Public

    JustaFlqmingo replied to ZappyGru's comment below 2024-04-15 21:24:14
    JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
    ExtremeGames replied to ZappyGru's comment below 2024-04-02 20:01:27
    ExtremeGames's Avatar
    Hmmm... If you say so...
    ZappyGru replied to Patience's comment below 2024-04-02 19:54:59
    ZappyGru's Avatar
    Patience replied to ZappyGru's comment below 2024-04-02 19:43:14
    Patience's Avatar
    I'm actually 14 with autisim PTSD ADHD anxiety and depression...... I'm fucked up in the brain lmao
    ZappyGru replied to Patience's comment below 2024-04-02 19:40:59
    ZappyGru's Avatar
    90% chance you are under the age of 14
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  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    April 2, 2024, 4:41 am to Public
    Had a strangely stressful dream >.< Dreamed I was put on stage before a crowd, with a instrument. With the expectation that I would put on a big music performance..... I have never played a instrument before, and can't read music. Like "just give me a second, I- I uhh" *frantically tries to play the instrument in some way, making horrible sounds*
      Then I also had a confusing dream where I saw someone in a dream, and then saw them later in the same dream, and they mentioned that they saw me in a dream
    Jim55 said 2024-04-03 12:41:36
    Jim55's Avatar
    you come up with some strange dreams. USUALLY what ever I'm thinking about before I fall asleep, Is what I dream about. Usually its women or money 8-)
    sniffercraft34 said 2024-04-02 05:17:21
    sniffercraft34's Avatar
    well you are called DreamWanderer
    Usaki said 2024-04-02 04:50:34
    Usaki's Avatar
    "Then I also had a confusing dream where I saw someone in a dream, and then saw them later in the same dream, and they mentioned that they saw me in a dream" Yeah that was me
  • ZappyGru's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 7:35 pm to Public
    No update yet on the submission, but here's some new artwork that I don't think I've publicly shown!

    ThunderBoomPika replied to ZappyGru's comment below 2024-04-01 21:01:54
    ThunderBoomPika's Avatar
    ZappyGru replied to ThunderBoomPika's comment below 2024-04-01 20:47:19
    ZappyGru's Avatar
    ThunderBoomPika said 2024-04-01 20:45:45
    ThunderBoomPika's Avatar
    they all are mEWING
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 5:13 pm to Public
    Almost to the halfway mark =,D I feel like there is going to be details I am missing due the sheer amount of it on this ship IRL
    For size reference the red arrow is pointing to me standing on top of the square thing

    I also may be working on another pretty huge build here in a few months in addition to my other large builds. I wonder what that may be? =0
    Jim55 said 2024-04-03 12:43:36
    Jim55's Avatar
    Half way mark ?? Boy your letting this one drag out
    DreamWanderer replied to Stubbs1's comment below 2024-04-02 16:59:58
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    I myself may skip interior XD
    Stubbs1 said 2024-04-02 14:32:39
    Stubbs1's Avatar
    If I did such a large build, I think I would only be building and adding detail to the parts of the ship which would be visible in the render :'D
    ClayMan1077 said 2024-04-01 17:20:19
    ClayMan1077's Avatar
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 4:10 pm to Public
    Company put me on the Safety comity today.
    I actually have a OSHA certification card XD
    Usaki replied to DreamWanderer's comment below 2024-04-01 17:07:04
    Usaki's Avatar
    I still dont understand a word you're saying lol. I'm too tired fir this I need sleep
    DreamWanderer replied to Usaki's comment below 2024-04-01 17:02:56
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    The place I work put me on their saftey comity. I actually have a OSHA card before they did that :P
    Usaki said 2024-04-01 17:01:03
    Usaki's Avatar
    I dont get this
  • ZappyGru's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 3:43 pm to Public
    APRIL FOOLS!!! I delayed Gru's Clues again ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    Darkfap said 2024-04-01 18:57:23
    Darkfap's Avatar

    *sobs in corner*
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 3:57 am to Public
    I guess this is the April fools joke XD
    I loaded into my profile(which is my browsers home page), and was like HOly~ What!?
    It didn't help that I had a unread pm notofication at the time too
    had me for a second

    well played :P
    sniffercraft34 replied to FIRESTAR09_10's comment below 2024-04-01 07:19:19
    sniffercraft34's Avatar
    They did. We get to switch accounts for the day! (Sort of)
    FIRESTAR09_10 said 2024-04-01 06:12:40
    FIRESTAR09_10's Avatar
    I think they made the mods normal members too
    DreamWanderer replied to Stubbs1's comment below 2024-04-01 04:34:31
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    I even knew April 1st was today yesterday. And I didn't think much of it. They hit you when, and where you least expect it lol
    Stubbs1 said 2024-04-01 04:27:55
    Stubbs1's Avatar
    lmao, actually thought for a moment "Congrats on getting mod DreamWanderer!" :'D
    Biz said 2024-04-01 04:17:58
    Biz's Avatar
    lmao my immediate reaction was "wtf? i didnt sign up for this shit" then i remembered it was april fools
  • YokaiS's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 3:55 am to Public
    I saw a user's name and was about to congratulate them for being a new moderator, but then I realized I also had a yellow name. Which probably means I'm better and deserve more recognition than any other PMCer today. Praise me for my dictatorial powers
    YokaiS replied to Silabear's comment below 2024-04-01 13:22:32
    YokaiS's Avatar
    Silabear said 2024-04-01 04:40:43
    Silabear's Avatar
    omg YokaiS plz notice me
  • blank3times's Avatar
    blank3times shared Paril's post
    April 1, 2024, 1:13 am with Public
    It seems like there's some confusion going around regarding moderation for some reason, but it seems that if you wanna see someone's true colours, you can hover over their name for more information. Hope this can be a helpful tool for y'all =]
    Cyprezz's profile page after the time-reliant flash switches his name to blue. Hovering over his name on a wall post still produces something red; I've relabelled him to be a troll because of his stupid analytics failing the site =]

    And if you feel special because you're a site moderator now, that's okay, but know that this post and the orignal are also site moderators so you're not the only one.
    Golden link: 'View original post' (All wall posts made by individuals are moderator coloured, while those made by groups aren't)
    Paril's Avatar
    April 1, 2024, 12:15 am to Public
    I know it's tempting but whatever you do, don't press any of the moderation buttons that show up on resource pages! It won't be until Tuesday that we'll be back in the office to look at any of this :(
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  • blank3times's Avatar
    blank3times shared Under the Rainbow's post
    March 31, 2024, 9:09 pm with Public
    We see you (especially if you forget to take your armour off when drinking an invisibility potion) ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿค
    Under the Rainbow's Avatar
    Under the Rainbow post by 00O3's Avatar 00O3
    March 31, 2024, 1:18 pm to Public
    Hey everyone! Today is Transgender Visibility Day! ๐Ÿณ๏ธ‍โšง๏ธ
    Please take a few moments today to recognize the struggles faced by the transgender community, and show some support, love and appreciation to all your pals under the trans umbrella! :)

    This blog by Firestar2477278 delves a bit into the history of today, so do go check it out!

    We hope that no matter your gender or expression, you feel loved and valid, and deserve to be treated with respect to your wishes! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿค๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’™

    With that being said, I'd like to feature some transgender creators on this site! Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed <3
    Go check out Firestar2477278, mcrjellyfish, Fiend, sonderrr, bugbinaryy, girl_liker, Leaf4e, aquarine, themusicman_Dan, enfyys, MOLTENONI, BlossomRuna, lacuna, r a i n b o w, lionnamedari, _FroznBee, Prince Ren๏ปฟ, etc.!
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  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    March 31, 2024, 5:41 pm to Public
    Sometimes I like to play a little game with myself. Where I think of some random place where I wouldn't have in mind to live there. And using Google maps I try to think logically what i would do, if I had to live there for some reason. idk why I do this
  • DreamWanderer's Avatar
    March 31, 2024, 3:07 pm to Public
    *Me checking 5 minutes after ordering some more books*
    "Book.... book book book book"
    Darkfap said 2024-03-31 19:42:56
    Darkfap's Avatar
    Literally me whenever I go to the library.
    Foxx- said 2024-03-31 16:42:55
    Foxx-'s Avatar
    FIRESTAR09_10 said 2024-03-31 15:08:24
    FIRESTAR09_10's Avatar
    Book book book book book book book book BOOK
  • Under the Rainbow's Avatar
    Under the Rainbow post by 00O3's Avatar 00O3
    March 31, 2024, 1:18 pm to Public
    Hey everyone! Today is Transgender Visibility Day! ๐Ÿณ๏ธ‍โšง๏ธ
    Please take a few moments today to recognize the struggles faced by the transgender community, and show some support, love and appreciation to all your pals under the trans umbrella! :)

    This blog by Firestar2477278 delves a bit into the history of today, so do go check it out!

    We hope that no matter your gender or expression, you feel loved and valid, and deserve to be treated with respect to your wishes! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿค๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’™

    With that being said, I'd like to feature some transgender creators on this site! Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed <3
    Go check out Firestar2477278, mcrjellyfish, Fiend, sonderrr, bugbinaryy, girl_liker, Leaf4e, aquarine, themusicman_Dan, enfyys, MOLTENONI, BlossomRuna, lacuna, r a i n b o w, lionnamedari, _FroznBee, Prince Ren๏ปฟ, etc.!
    WelcomeToPMC said 2024-06-09 15:35:08
    WelcomeToPMC's Avatar
    sorry i am late but idk if i am trans or not
    waffles0 said 2024-04-04 17:22:10
    waffles0's Avatar
    trans people are awesome <3
    bugbinaryy said 2024-04-02 18:22:11
    bugbinaryy's Avatar
    aw thanks for the mention ! <3
    Gracelyn said 2024-04-01 22:48:20
    Gracelyn's Avatar
    hey add me
    BielGamer_YT said 2024-04-01 05:59:50
    BielGamer_YT's Avatar
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