Minecraft Mods

[FORGE][0.7.0][1.7.10] FlenixCities Food Module - Add food to your cities! [BETA!]

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Level 88 : Elite Modder
Welcome to the FlenixCities FOOD MODULE!


This module is all about food. It's early days and I'm completely open to ideas!

As of 1.7.10, I have implemented the new food system. However, it is NOT COMPLETE, and most certainly missing many textures. If you want to help with textures, click the big link above. The rest of the system is almost there, but I figured I'd allow a 1.7.10 release so you can see how it's going.

This is by no means intended for serious use right now, and should be considered beta. Do not whine at me when this breaks your world, sets fire to your computer and eats your dog. Do report any and all bugs though.

THIS MOD REQUIRES FLENIXCITIES CORE TO RUN. Get it here!(it's also on the downloads page to the right.)

Yup, you read that right. I've nerfed most vanilla foods down to a much lower value. The reason for doing this is that vanilla food was balanced assuming no other food exists. You throw a mod with new foods into the works, and everything goes to pot and becomes imbalanced.
So, I've nerfed most of the vanilla foods to be much lower, giving my own foods more value.
NOTE: this is currently only in 1.6.x releases. It'll return in the 1.7 builds soon!

I'm very open to ideas. What foods do you want to see added next? I've got a much bigger planned list than what's included, because I've cut the mod down to only those which are textured.

I'm also going to be recreating pretty much the entire food system for Minecraft. I've already done 90% of the code, but I need a lot of textures to be made.

My new system adds cook values to food, meaning you can undercook and burn things. It also adds an expiration date, meaning your food will slowly rot while in your inventory (don't worry; chests are safe while they are closed)

How to use the mod
Currently, there's only one cooking method, the Stove.
Place a stove in the world, and get yourself some kind of pan. Place the pan in the stove's GUI, and you can then place food items in the slots related to that pan. Add coal to the bottom-left slot to fuel the stove, and your meats will start to cook!

Keep an eye on the cooking stages. Raw food becomes undercooked, cooked, and eventually burned - you want to remove the food when it reaches "Cooked". If you time it exactly right, you'll get "Perfectly Cooked", giving a bonus!

(Eventually, I'll be adding RPGCore support with a cooking level, giving better chances of Perfect food)

A few closing notes...
- The Vending Machine doesn't work just yet. It will in the near future. Just added to show it exists. The Vending Machine mod that is somewhere on PMC supports my currency and works as a stop-gap until I get around to implementing this properly.

- I have not tested compatability with the Hunger Overhaul mod. Both that and my mod override vanilla foods; whichever mod is loaded later will override and use their own values.

[FORGE][0.7.0][1.7.10] FlenixCities Food Module - Add food to your cities! [BETA!] Minecraft Mod

Progress20% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by Fureniku 11/24/2016 2:37:47 pmNov 24th, 2016

Fixed error with download links

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01/05/2017 5:42 pm
Level 26 : Expert System
Thanks for fixing the download!! But now the problem is that when I added version 0.17.0 to my mods folder, it crashed my minecraft!! How do I fix this? is this one of my mods fault??
I even tried it without my mods.

I only used:
4)NEWLY ADDED ONE: FlenixCitiesCore_[1.7.10]-0.17.0-b138
01/05/2017 7:57 pm
Level 88 : Elite Modder
Put the crashlog on pastebin.com and give me the link and I can tell you what to fix :)
01/06/2017 2:47 pm
Level 26 : Expert System
ok! thanks :)
here you go:

01/07/2017 8:42 am
Level 88 : Elite Modder
Ah alright, that's a problem on my end that I need to fix.
Unfortunately Forge servers are down right now so I can't do anything, I'll try again later. In the mean time, try using this build of FlenixCities instead, it should work.

Only caveat is it's 1 build older, so a lot of the new blocks are missing from it.
01/07/2017 10:31 am
Level 26 : Expert System
oh ok thanks! is there any difference for this version that you gave me?
01/07/2017 10:46 am
Level 26 : Expert System
if possible, can you give me a changelog of the update version:


and can you give we a heads up when you fix this update?
01/01/2017 10:11 pm
Level 26 : Expert System
what platform are you using to make this mod and its textures?
how are you making these textures??
also can you send a download link? thanks!
01/02/2017 5:52 am
Level 88 : Elite Modder
Spamming me 4 times asking for a download link on a day that many people spend away from computers with their families, will not make me give you a link any faster.

Link will be fixed shortly.

As for the other question, developing the mod was done in Eclipse, and textures in paint.net
01/02/2017 11:12 am
Level 26 : Expert System
oh ok... Sorry :)
just really want version 0.17.0
but thanks for messaging
01/02/2017 4:30 pm
Level 88 : Elite Modder
It should be working by now :)
01/02/2017 7:29 pm
Level 26 : Expert System
Well, the download on this page, does work! And I get redirected to your website, and when I try to install the core module for 1.7.10, Version 0.17.0, it would redirect me to this page:

I installed the core module, and clicked download, and came to this:

i really want this updated feature, but i'm really worried if this is my computers problem or...
So thanks for your time and commitment!
