Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

C-557 Hermes Dropship

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[Firebros]'s Avatar [Firebros]
Level 44 : Master Soldier
The C-577 Hermes Dropship was designed by Signum Technology Inc. in the year 2056 as a multi-role aircraft, to replace the ageing V-22 Osprey fleet.  It is easly adapatable to any mission conditon, whether it be cover fire for ground forces, boming runs on enemy positons, or troop extraction and placement.

Originally, the Hermes was designed for the purpose of air drops, much like the C-130's role back in 2016.  Engineers however, had a much bigger dream for this aircraft.  They took what they learned from the F-35's VTOL capabilities, and implimented it into the Hermes, giving it considerably more maneuverability oppertunities, the ability to take off without a runway, and a role as a naval/search and rescue aircraft.  

Due to its innovative VTOL technology, the aircraft is incredibly smooth and quiet when airborne. For this reason, companies have shown great intrest in the Hermes, as an executive transport aircraft, and delecate cargo transporter.



Hey guys, after a couple of months of work and school, I'm finnaly able to start posting things again. Things got busy really fast.

If you enjoyed this creation, and want to see other cool builds by other awesome people, come onto Persian World, where I've been spending most of my minecraft time.  I'll add the ip at the bottom.

Thanks guys for the support, I appreciate it!


CreditPersian World, where I originally built this on.
Progress100% complete

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07/08/2014 8:35 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
crafter2401's Avatar
pls do world save or tutorial d:
06/19/2014 12:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HarrisonPounder's Avatar
06/18/2014 7:39 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
NonExistingName's Avatar
Really cool! The design and motion is beautiful, altho it is a bit too sharp (thats prob just me tho :P)
06/18/2014 7:28 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Geek
OneSidedBattle's Avatar
Absolutely amazing, love the whole concept. Can't wait to see whats next.
