Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Eerie-class patrol cruiser

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Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
Author's Note
Please link my PMC account or this page if you use this project in any public post, whether it be a server, blog, map, etc.

Programs used:
Minecraft (for building)
Mcedit (for building)
Blender (for renders)
Paint.net (for pictures)

Technical Specifications
Eerie-class patrol cruiser Minecraft Map

Eerie-class patrol cruiser Minecraft Map

Eerie-class patrol cruiser Minecraft Map

The Eerie-class was an advanced light capital ship designed and manufactured by Qi'natc Starship Productions. The design was one of several different capital ships that the company produced for the Roccho Republic's navy leading up to and during the Astachez Civil War, as part of an extensive modernization program that the armed forces initiated once conflict became significantly likely. With the nation being both significantly smaller and isolated compared to other TAUFOG nations in the Rodain Sector, the unit cost and upkeep was secondary to individual capability, as the Roccho Republic was the sector's second largest economy and could afford to pay for performance. This was also seen as necessary to make up for being numerically inferior to the Astachez Federation and other surrounding nations. The Eerie-class design would be equipped with numerous weapon systems, the most advanced propulsion, communication, and sensor systems available to Qi'natc SP, and many additional technologies that led to the class being one of the most used capital ships in the Astachez Civil War. Production of the Eerie-class began in the late 48,800s, and only ceased when the Ethar-class, designed by Qi'natc SP to be superior to its predecessor in almost all aspects, began full-scale manufacturing in 48,958 ACT.

Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Skallord 09/05/2022 2:38:20 pmSep 5th, 2022

-Updated build with 1.18 blocks
-Made changes to some detailing

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09/09/2020 3:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Fantastic ship, I don't wanna sound annoying or anything, but at some point in the future will there be a 3d render for this beauty? I completely understand if you can't, or don't have the time, I'm just curious. but really, this is an awesome ship, I love the ridge it's got on the back.
03/01/2020 10:56 pm
Level 49 : Master Unicorn
03/01/2020 10:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Sweet render... sweet ship...
