Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Meiva - Dance of the Elements [6000 x 6000 map] | Theme - balance [1.8]

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Darastlix's Avatar Darastlix
Level 73 : Legendary Terraformer
Meiva - Dance of the Elements [6000 x 6000 map] | Theme - balance [1.8] Minecraft Map

Welcome to Meiva!

From magic gardens of Azorzeia to the lands of perfect balance. Lonely wanderer travels to Meiva to search there for the way to his lost home Theia.


Meiva archipelago consists of two islands - Whedab & Mitne. Whedab is opposite to Mitne - Whedab is cold and dark but Mitne is warm and overgrown with flowers. In the middle of each island lives a god in form of volcano. Volcano in Whedab is hot and called Skaeren, volcano in Mitne is made of ice and is called Winimo. Skaeren controls earth and fire, Winimo is a master of water and air. One cannot exist without another, and only together they are whole. Winimo and Skaeren compete with each other in a game called "dance of the elements". In this game Skaeren controls earth and Winimo controls water. God that creates more complex and beautiful forms using his element while other god is trying to disturb him wins the game and is considered to be a winner for one year. After one year they start the game again, but this time previous winner loses the game.


Whedab is cold and frozen with a hot volcano in the middle. Swamps called Vixarth are located in the northern part of the island. Yongar is located south to Vixarth, this area is hilly and overgrown with pines and firs. Southern part of Whedab is called Refir. Landscape here is very complex, with many hills, forests and icy structures that seem to be frozen in time. Battle arena between Skaeren and Winimo in Whedab is called Ekess. Mountains that surround Skaeren are called Verthicha, they are snowy and icy.


Mitne is warm and cozy in contrast to Whedab. People named southern part of Mitne Anon. Northern part of Anon is overgrown with jungles and southern part is full of flowers and temperate forests. Reskafe is a huge mesa region located in the western part of Mitne, desert Inik is located east to Reskafe. Battle arena between gods is located in Inik near the oasis, it was named Edar. Northern part of Mitne is very mountainous. Savanna located there is named Ranatat. Winimo is surrounded by Ranatat from all sides except south.

Meiva - Dance of the Elements [6000 x 6000 map] | Theme - balance [1.8] Minecraft Map


Many layers of caves with resources.

Large scale environment created using strong combination of World Machine & Vue.

3D terrain created using new experimental methods.


-What software were used to make this map?

Vue, World Machine, World painter, World edit, McEdit, Voxel Sniper, Build Commands & more

-What software do you use to render images?

All images were rendered in chunky.

-Can I play survival on this map?

Yes you can.

HD Wallpapers

Developer's diary - click to reveal
The main goal of this map was to show the power of new technologies for creating 3D terrain in large scale environments. Terrain on this map was created in World Machine with some elements imported from Vue.
This map was greatly inspired by ancient yin and yang symbol. You can read more about it here.
Installation - click to reveal
  • Download map by clicking the yellow button at the top right of the description.
  • On Windows, use keys Windows+R and then typing “%appdata%/.minecraft/saves/” into the command line. (On a Mac, your save files are in: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/). This will open the saves folder
  • Drag your downloader map (after unzip or unrar) in the zip/rar folderMap into saves folder.
  • (Optional) remove DIM-1 folder if you don't want custom nether.
  • Close windows and reopen Minecraft
  • .Select your map and play.
Coordinates for 'special' locations - click to reveal
3790 4202 - Skaeren Volcano
2478 1922 - Winimo Volcano
2260 2814 - Edar
5238 3626 - Ekess

Feel free to
Use this map on your own sever public or private without asking me for permission.
Post your builds, adventures on this map on PMC
Make videos on this map and upload it publicly
Everything else that isn't included below

Don't feel free to
Claim this map as yours (a.k.a. stealing)
Reupload this map to other websites without giving me a credit


monsterfish_ - custom tree pack

lentebriesje - custom tree repository

Dummarsch_ - mushroom pack
Meiva - Dance of the Elements [6000 x 6000 map] | Theme - balance [1.8] Minecraft Map
Things above are appreciated! :)

Have any questions or ideas for the next map? Post them in the comments.
Note! I recommend disabling ice melting and formation.

"Nature provides exceptions to every rule."
-Margaret Fuller

Discover all Lone Wanderer maps here
Creditmonsterfish_, lentebriesje, vardekrom, Dummarsch
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

1.8 update : by Darastlix 10/03/2014 3:34:57 pmOct 3rd, 2014

Removed metadata blocks
Fixed lakes in Ranatat region
Spawn point moved to Ekess region

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09/03/2019 7:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
titof's Avatar
Te agradezco este pedazo de mapa, lo usare en un servidor ya vi q das permiso
te pondremos por algun cartel como autor
Gracias ♥
01/07/2018 2:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
iFrozenWolf's Avatar
lol i saw it had 699 diamonds so i was like make that 700!
08/30/2017 2:15 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Engineer
MCEpic_Nation's Avatar
This build is so amazing, even for using tools like you did! Just amazing, +1 sub and +1 Diamond and feature don my profile :D
08/29/2017 6:27 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Engineer
MCEpic_Nation's Avatar
Does it work in 1.7? :v
08/30/2017 2:14 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Engineer
MCEpic_Nation's Avatar
It does.
06/25/2017 1:45 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
featheredsatellite's Avatar
that is indeed a lot of MB, more than my computer has available if I uninstall most my stuff. do you think you could just take a slice out, like Whedab and it's volcano? That's all I really want...
06/25/2017 1:47 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
featheredsatellite's Avatar
Like Skaeren or something like that
06/25/2017 1:43 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
featheredsatellite's Avatar
( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。)

love it
02/25/2017 1:35 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
IIIHobbesIII's Avatar
I really don't know what to say about this one... you've earned another diamond!
08/26/2016 9:19 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
Arthanax's Avatar
I dont know how to give diamonds
