Minecraft Maps / Other

Sonic World PVP Map

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X marks it
Level 18 : Journeyman Archer
Hey guys, X here once again to bring you another fighting based map...This time themed! *quietly woohoos*

This map is Sonic themed and made specifically for PVP combat, and for those small minority who don't know what PVP is: PVP stands for Player vs Player...And as it says clearly...You kill eachother...So...Yeah c:

The same as sonic, this map has bonus boxes and jump points. The bonus boxes will give you a effect designated on the sides of the box...The following are what the boxes have:

Effect:----------------Shown as:--------- ???:

- Absorption-------- Golden Armour-- (Adds a stack of golden hearts, they do not regen).

- Strength II-------- Diamond Sword-- (Pimp slaps are OP now :D)

- Speed II-----------Blue Boots----------------(Gotta go fast!~)

- Jump Boost II---- Feather--------------(Watch out for fall damage D:)

- Health Regen---- Potion---------------- (Drink it in pal! That's how failure tastes!)

Thanks for reading! Hope you guys enjoy this map as much as I enjoyed making it...See you on the next map I make!~

Additional Notes

- If inventory doesn't keep with you after death use /gamerule keepInventory

- Parkour iz gud idea
Progress100% complete

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11/17/2017 7:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
I want to download it!! >:(
06/21/2017 11:50 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
The download is broken...
09/09/2013 2:18 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Artist
We need to play this one day.
