Minecraft Maps / Complex

The Ships Of Heaven (Vanilla 1.19.2)

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Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Version: 1.19.2

Resource Pack: FlowsHD

Mods: None

Shaders: BSL

Architectural Style: Romanesque (Norman), Neo-classical, Cape Dutch

Color palette: Predominately monochromatic with dark implements

Survival Viability: Exclusively survival (with cheat menu toggles)

Biome expression: Large biome preset with custom additions

Astrological Significance: Equatorial zenith on 0 degrees (default or otherwise)

Short Description:

Its been a while since I've vested time and interest in large builds, particularly in the classical style. My recent constructs emphasized minimalism and traditionally structured houses that promise functionality while maintaining its default integrity. This build however, swerves away from such an ideal with a sustained love for the nuances, crannies, bumps and niches embracing the overall appeal around all four cardinals.
The central dome feature should be a familiar sight to those who have classical architecture impressed upon the memory. While the rest are somewhat ironic and different. Four transepts perpendicularly arranged are not the usual signature of this style of building, nor the absence of a southern nave; but originality prevailed!
The build also includes a massive interconnected catacomb system meticulously crafted with complex twists and turns, visible and hidden chests (50+ collectively), carefully placed lighting, mystery, books, selective entities, tiered gardens, geometry, two chapels, a court/counsel room, library, alchemical retreat, panoramic vantage points, two big villages in close proximity, and an encompassing survival world without perimeters. Essentially a place of refuge, defense, regrouping, residence and study when the hero's journey beckons adventure and purpose.


I'd like to thank my two new Patrons (Jonathan and Lizzy), and consequently everyone who uses my free and Patreon maps. Your support refines my sword with a glorified grindstone and a robust anvil.

Quote, because why not:

"Your life is already artful - waiting, just waiting, for you to make it art"
Toni Morrison
CreditFlowsHD,Jerm's Better Leaves,World Edit
Progress100% complete

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Mine Maus Craft
10/17/2022 6:42 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Looks great!
10/17/2022 4:21 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thank you. Much appreciated. :]
09/24/2022 5:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
How do you download
10/17/2022 4:21 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Pretty sure you've already figured it out by now? The details are in the description.
MrGrey 1803
09/16/2022 12:19 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Would love to collab on my server. Or even just feature a build of yours. Love this design.
09/16/2022 2:09 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thank you for the kind feedback man. I really appreciate it.
Working on something big on your server sounds promising. Perhaps even possible in the near future. So I'll keep it in mind.
Most of my builds are free, so if you're interested in featuring one of them, you are more than welcome to do so.
MrGrey 1803
09/16/2022 2:24 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Bruh most people don't even respond, so thank you. I appreciate that.

Not a problem, you really killed it here with the designs. You usually do from what I've seen. I'm definitely interested in the near future. I'm still working on the first Campus so I haven't even gotten to the City, yet, but yeah. We can chat about it when you're available!

Keep it up!
09/17/2022 2:21 pm
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Architect
I'm not sure why an interactive community wouldn't want to interact with its proponents haha. Ironic...
If I weren't so in love with nature, I would have been more actively involved on servers and larger builds in general. For now, I usually just build when I'm inspired and driven to vent creativity on an open canvas. And of course, as of recent, grasp the opportunity to produce fresh content for my Patrons, and free builds for the community.

Either way, I'll stay in contact whenever I can as a fellow builder. Once again, thank you for the compliment man. Much appreciated!
