Ticket #23057
Status: Open
Opened by 00O3
Feature Request
6/5/24 6:35 pm 6/5/24 6:35 pm

Allow members to be blocked from a group page.

PMC, PLEASE let us block a member from a group page. As someone who is an admin of a LGBTQ+ group page (Under the Rainbow), this feature would benefit us greatly, allowing us to prevent homophobes and transphobes from harassing our members and causing conflict.

Similar to a member block page, a group can have one of these, and add usernames. This could hopefully be a toggle-able permission, or inserted with the Admin permissions. A blocked user would be restricted from the group page the same way as a member profile- unable to interact with content or wall posts.

Please consider this to be added, as it would greatly benefit not only me, but all members who run groups. We try to keep a safe and civil space on Planet Minecraft, and while this is extremely useful with member to member interactions, it should be extended to group pages as well.

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06/05/2024 8:03 pm
She/Her • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Magical Girl Onion
god please yes
i think the point may have gotten a little lost but as someone who owns a group, having people ive blocked interacting w/ my group makes me SO uncomfortable and ive been told by admins that i just kinda have to deal with it since theyre not actively being malicious. its why i p much stopped using the group feature, sadly :'-))
06/05/2024 7:26 pm
They/Them • Level 60 : High Grandmaster Waffle Meme
good idea
06/05/2024 6:43 pm
She/They • Level 55 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter Pixel Puncher
I want to note that you are always welcome to report users who are exhibiting transphobia, homophobia, or any other discriminatory language. Planet Minecraft is a community for everyone. We have a 0 tolerance policy regarding discrimination, which will always stay that way.
06/05/2024 6:42 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Turtle Paladin
I'll leave this up to the admins but I would like to remind anyone who reads this that homophobia is not tolerated here. If someone decides to post homophobic content please report it, I am happy to be pinged to take care of these issues. It is better to ping me and block the homophobes than to argue with someone who is not likely to change their views any time soon.
06/05/2024 6:42 pm
He/Him • Level 55 : Grandmaster Blockhead Imposter
That is a pretty good idea!
