color wheel1 upvotes
2025-02-10 09:12:54Created
2025-02-08 20:48:25 by desirac
color wheel isn't appearing
When I try to write my changelog and click save, the text disappears and I get the "text needed" card. I am unable to show upda...
I've had to report a bunch of foreign language spam forums that were seemingly posted by a bot. When I check on their report st...
Please enter here what you were doing to cause this bug to appear!
I can't publish my new map
I am searching for TMM-3M2, it shows up in regular project search, but if I try to search i...
dates problem3 upvotes
2025-01-24 09:38:40Created
2025-01-01 11:58:25 by Team UNNAMED
whenever there's a new year (happy 2025), all the comments, wall posts, etc. say "last year". however, some instead say somethi...
Ok so I tried to change the criteria of my live ranked jam because the original criteria was not very good. After editing it an...
submitting a world1 upvotes
2025-01-22 08:40:32Created
2025-01-21 00:56:29 by Cozentie91
I was trying to submit my survival world, but the website just won't let me, it should be under the file size limit, so I don't...
I literally hit "Download world" to take me to mediafire, and it didnt work.
Error Code: BLAME_CYP_7aafx2bc7b9
Using Chro...
So Palaeos recently started adding new classes, and I have found that some of the new classes automatically switch to Raver. I ...
I'm so sad! I cannot do anything normally on the site and I want to add new members to the club😭💔
Bugs with Widgets1 upvotes
2025-01-20 10:42:43Created
2025-01-19 04:25:30 by Ririt700PMC
I tried editing my widgets, I clicked save but then all the letters started looking different, (I think its a code being put or...
undefined1 upvotes
2025-01-19 13:18:48Created
2025-01-19 12:35:46 by UmiSonodaLoveLive
Please enter here what you were doing to cause this bug to appear!
I was trying to upload an flie to the my Minecraft accoun...
Error message:
Error initializing MCSkin3D: we@
Group chats1 upvotes
2025-01-09 03:39:04Created
2025-01-02 23:20:26 by Jerrygames124
I feel like we should be able to create chats between more than 1 person.
Things that you would only be able to be discussed b...