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Guardians: A scientific report

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Makaneek's Avatar Makaneek
Level 48 : Master Answer
Just a short stylized report about one of my personal favorite minecraft mobs.

The Guardian, or
Monoculus Custos, is among the oldest and most fascinating species in the overworld. They are the last surviving species of the fish class Placodermi, and have remained largely unchanged for over 300 million years. They are intensely territorial, making study difficult, but we do know several important things about them.

They have traded their binocular vision for the ability to conduct a beam of high-voltage electricity out of their single remaining eye. Over many generations, the right eye became larger and more electrically conductive, while the left became smaller, immobile, and completely blind. This is known from early-devonian fossils, and from hatchling Guardians, which hatch with a small vestigial left eye that sinks into the body later in life. The electric beam produced by the right eye is used for hunting prey (squid and smaller fish), defending the hive, and fighting among themselves for dominance.

Guardians are the only eusocial (hive minded) fish known to science, and they live in massive hives on the floors of deep oceans made from their shed scales, which they then weld together with their aforementioned electricity beams.

Individuals can live for up to 700 years, and upon reaching maturity (which comes late in life at 358), turn from blue to beige in color and leave the hive alone to find two other guardians and start a new hive. Males have two mates, and eggs are laid once every thirty years, taking three years to hatch. The hatchlings are fully independent and immediately begin to work for the benefit of the hive. When one of the hive elders dies, It is replaced by an acceptable wandering elder of the same gender.

Guardians are fascinated by gold, and will collect it from shipwrecks and ocean trenches. They hoard it in their hives for no apparent reason. They also have twelve long retractable spines on the exterior of their bodies which they use for protection.
CreditThe prehistoric placoderm fish that reminded me of minecraft guardians when I learned about them.

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07/01/2022 6:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
kladovamariya's Avatar
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10/15/2019 11:02 pm
Level 41 : Master Artist
God_Oh_War's Avatar
Well you are needed at five different schools at once
10/15/2019 1:00 am
Level 41 : Master Artist
God_Oh_War's Avatar
Are you the new science teacher?
10/15/2019 4:20 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
Depends... Are you the new science learner?
10/10/2019 12:26 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Wizard_Engie432's Avatar
I'm convinced. Great Job!
10/10/2019 1:17 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
thanks! glad you like it!
04/11/2019 9:54 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
TheCyanShyGuy's Avatar
wow you should change your name to the MCScientist XD that was an interesting blog
04/10/2019 1:55 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
thedutchlord's Avatar
Wow, nice story
04/10/2019 2:11 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
Not really a story but thx!
04/10/2019 2:33 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
thedutchlord's Avatar
A scientifically approved story of the oldest fish species alive . ;-)
