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Ravagers: A Scientific Report

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Makaneek's Avatar Makaneek
Level 48 : Master Answer
New blog! This one's pretty short, but please diamond if you think that there should be neutral Ravagers that spawn in savannah biomes!

One of the strangest and most powerful creatures in the overworld is
Exitiotherium Grisius, commonly called, the Ravager. Ravagers are part of an ancient lineage of ungulates (hoofed mammals), that date back to the Miocene epoch, and were once found far and wide throughout the overworld, but are now down to a single species that is only proven to exist in pillager captivity. Though they look somewhat like elephants or rhinoceroses, their closest living wild relatives are in the family of Bovidae, Making them more closely related to cows and sheep. Their natural habitat is savannah biomes, and they lack hair to more easily shed heat off of their large bodies. Unlike many of their relatives, Ravagers possess a small trunk which served a purpose once in their evolutionary history, but is now somewhat useless.

Modern Ravagers, like dogs, have been selectively bred to the point where their natural disposition has been reversed. While dogs have become tamer, Ravagers became wilder and more ferocious. Pillagers and Ravagers likely came into contact about 2000 years ago, when wild Ravagers were making their last stand in their native southern savannahs, where they had lived for over 25 million years. Originally, Ravagers served only as pack animals to carry supplies from one outpost to the next, but after 200 years, the pillagers had begun to breed them to become more hostile than their ancestors, who would only attack if provoked. Despite their fearsome appearance, Ravagers are obligate herbivores that only kill what they have been trained to kill, usually the enemies and victims of their pillager masters. Accounts have claimed that there are still some wild Ravager populations that continue to graze on their ancient savannah home, but the reliability of these claims is questionable.

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11/18/2020 11:22 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Modder
Minecrafter9138's Avatar
I really like your lores it's like they should put them in minecraft!
11/18/2020 11:19 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Modder
Minecrafter9138's Avatar
No problem! You should also check some lore I made too! My lore.
11/18/2020 10:13 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Modder
Minecrafter9138's Avatar
I'm stunned.. it's so.. amazing!
11/18/2020 11:13 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
07/09/2019 6:35 am
Level 46 : Master Wizard
mythicaljay's Avatar
Ha, this is great. A little fun blog compared to the rest of the lore.
05/06/2019 7:18 pm
Level 40 : Master Wolf Whisperer
Starryspectrum's Avatar
Neutral ravagers would be pretty cool to see, but it'd be even cooler if you could tame them!
05/06/2019 7:35 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
I imagine that the pillagers tame ravagers through a cruel process. Not something I would want to be part of.
05/06/2019 7:43 pm
Level 40 : Master Wolf Whisperer
Starryspectrum's Avatar
Ooh...that'd be interesting, but not something I'd like to see either.
05/04/2019 10:19 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
OnlyAFish's Avatar
05/05/2019 1:39 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
thx guy
