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The darkness falls (Roggotti Series)

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Devi The Panda's Avatar Devi The Panda
Level 41 : Master System
I am Ramu, and I made a mistake that can't be fixed. 

Lets start from the beginning. I was younge when I first met my brother Mohingan. We were the best of friends. I remember when we use to pull pranks on each other. I pushed him into a pond heh. 
Who knew that even brothers could be toren apart from one choice. 

When Father died I was left out of everything Mohingan was doing. I was younge. I was learning new things everyday. Learned the meaning of the old Roggotti ways. Tiefu... That old man. While Mohin' took a glorious path I took a path that I soon found out was hell-ish. My brother was the Leader of our so called culture and he cared less about me. Sure I may sound selfish but i'm not. I was left in a shadow of hate, shame, and dispare. I ran off one day into the forest to find that cave that I once read as a younge one. After hours and hours, yeck maybe even days. I found the cave. Blocked off by fallen boulders I was determaned to get into the caves. Minutes went by and my hands were bloody and hurting from scratching at the boulders and wood. Alast I got in. I went down a dark tunnel filled with glowing gems leading a path to the old cells. Once I got to the first cage I could fell a great evil pass through me. As if I was being lead by a demon. 
I found an old chest filled with blood gems. No joke. Blood gems! I couldn't believe these were real. However I was stupid enough to grab one. I dropped it as soon as the voice called my name. 
"Ramu. Come here Ramu" it whispered. I turned into many directions looking for the disembodied voice. Then I saw it. The last one who survived. Our dad. 
But... He looked somewhat different. 
He looked disturbed. 
I slowely walked towereds the redish sillouette and called for him. He stared at me. Filling my head with aweful things! It was like being torn apart from the inside out. 
I feel to the ground in pain cluntching my stomach as the pain was too intense. Then it stopped. 
I looked up in fear and my father was looking at me. Told me to stay in the shadows or be burned by the light. 
Thinking about the words he had just told me he then screatched like a banshee and disapeared. 
After that I saw a shiny dagger like figure stabbed in a rotting body. 
Of course I wanted to leave... But something was different about me. it was like I wasn't there anymore. The Dagger was whispering to me in a way. Tired and in pain from the recent horror I had I was unable to resist reaching for the dagger. 

I picked the dagger up and stared at it for a few minutes. The runes on the blade were in the old Roggotti language. 
No one knew the language anymore. Yet somehow I knew what it said. 
I never learned a word of Roggotti in my life but somehow I knew every word. 
Then it hit me. that pain i felt. I dropped the blade and fell to the ground almost stabbing my self with the dagger. 
I cluntched my stomach again pleaing for it to stop. 
The voices from the blade were getting louder and louder as I tried to resist the pain. 
I fell again covering my ears and screaming yelling for it to stop. 
So it did. 
The voices I heared weren't human. They were pure evil. Filling my mind with disturbing thaughts. 

When I left the cave I never looked back. Scared to even turn my head I ran back to the village. 
I ran into my room and picked up a book that my father was writing. 
Filled with nothing but Roggottian language I was unable to read it this time. 
Although the only thing I could read was the insanity that Father had written down. Saying stuff about the voices telling him to murder his family. Telling him to give up all hope. 
He was going completely mad It seemed. 
I fell asleep hours after the events. 

When I woke up I saw a silhouette figure leaning over me. I gasped and yelled knocking the sillhouette out. 
I saw it was my brother Mohingan. 
When he got up he asked me what I was so scared about and where I was yesterday. 
All I said was "I... Just had a bad dream" 
Scared to tell him what I was doing in the forbidden caves or what I had heard. 
He laughed and left the room. 
For some reason I had an urge to break his neck. 
I stopped thinking about the homicidal thaught and got up. 
Thinking about yesterday I was too shocked to even notice my mother calling me. 
She had seen me running to the forbidden caves and noticed I wasn't acting like my self. 
Mother was always a worried person. I can't blame her though, she did marry that phyco of a husband. 
She asked me why I was headed to the caves and why I was talking to my self. 
I asked her "I was talking?" She told me word by word what I was saying. 
I didn't understand her cause she was speaking Roggottian language. 
She knew I picked up the blood gems and she was worried I might become what my father once was. 
When the day passed I woke up in the middle of the night in a choking pain. As if someone was choking me. 
The pain was the same as I had in the caves. Struggling to get up I heard a sudden voice whispering the words "Shhh, No need to be scared of me." After a few minutes of gasping for air it had released me from its grip. 
I fell out of bed crawling in fear away from the cottage. When I got up I ran to my brother in fear I was being hunted down. He asked me what was the matter and why I was so scared. I told him about the voices and the cave. He looked at me in shock as he knew I was being tortured by the demonic spirits of Liefu's army. He grabbed a bible and started to chant a protection spell. When he was half way through the spell he was interrupted by a sudden choking. He grabbed at his neck feeling nothing but his own throat. I picked up the book and started to read the spell he had begun saying. I read the spell faster then ever and the demon vanished. Mohingan fell to the ground out cold. Scared I might be blamed for the death of my brother I tried to revive him. 
He came back after thirty or fourty minutes being out cold. 
He asked me what had happen as if he had no memory of the attack. I told him about the demon choking him. As we both fell back to sleep we heard a lullaby being whispered into our heads. Brother had no effect of this chant as I did. 
When I woke I was suddenly forced to my weapon. Pulling the knife out of the case I went to brother's room. Looking at him as he slept I was being told to stab him and release the spirit of the corrupted. I was struggling to understand what was going on as I held the knife above Mohingan's heart. Suddenly Mohingan woke and saw the knife. He screamed and kicked me down to the floor in disbelief. I came to mind when I hit the floor as brother went for his sword I asked him what I was doing. He looked at me with his sword in hand and slowly lowered the sword. Asking me what I was doing with a knife pointed to his chest. I had no idea what I was doing. He looked for the bible they had used to cast the protection spell. When we found the bible it was torn to bits and burned to a crisp. As if someone was trying to break our spell. Brother wanted to tell mother what had happened. I grabbed his shoulder. In fear that mother would be attacked too I told him to not tell her. Brother asked me why and I told him what would happen if the monster sees mother. He stopped in his tracks and thaught for a second. He agreed and asked "What can we do?". Both of us were scared but we were brave. The beast had shown him self in our dreams in different forms. Brother and I described what we had seen in our dreams and both had the same personality as the other. He told me to leave to the cave and break the blood gems. Puzzled what breaking the gems would help us with I was more worried about what he'll be doing. "I'll stay here and look for a stronger spell to protect us and mother while you go and break the gems." I did so, going back to the forbidden caves I found the chest had been locked. struggling to open the wooden chest I saw the dagger once more. I stopped trying to open the chest with my bare hands and walked to the dagger. Every step I took to the dagger the whispers got louder. when I reached to grab the dagger it welcomed me as a long lost family member. I grabbed the dagger and instantly was taken over. Trapped inside my mind I could feel, hear and see everything that was going on. Yet I was not incontrole of my movements. It was taking me back to the village telling me what it was going to do to Mohingan and mother. 
I started yelling at the monster to not harm my family. It was useless as we arrived at the village brother asked if I had destroyed the gems. The demon lied in my voice and got him to go into the throne room. The demon asked him to stay and headed to Mother's room. Mother asked how I was doing and once more lies flooded out of my mouth. He grabbed the dagger and was ready to murder my mother. Brother came into the room seeing a horrific sight. He screamed and yelled "What are you doing?!" The demon turned and saw brother charging. Dodging his speed he stabbed brother in the back. In pain Mohingan grabbed his sword and attacked and knocked the dagger out of the demon's hand. Once more brother fell to the ground. The demon stood on his chest ready to end him. brother grabbed the dagger he had knocked out of his hand stabbing the demon in the ancles. I felt as the dagger ripped through my legs. The demon stumbled back and flead outside. He grabbed a rock and charged at Mohingan bashing the stone against his head. Brother was out cold and the demon was bleeding badly. He had a chance to either kill the two or flee. The demon flead to a boat and I was banished from the village. Ever to return I would be attacked. 

I couldn't believe I was destroyed. That I was banished from my home and family. Never to see my mother again. No controle, no chances of breaking through. After awhile the demon released me from its grasp. 

Brother. I was blinded by the power of sadness and regret. Unable to see the truth I had left a gap in my soul to be taken. If I was able to i'd try to redeem my self. 
I miss you brother. I miss the good times we've had together with our family. 

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07/26/2014 1:42 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Archer
cbx's Avatar
So long
Devi The Panda
07/26/2014 1:43 am
Level 41 : Master System
Devi The Panda's Avatar
Its a story >:3 Stories gotta be long if ya wonna make it good.
Devi The Panda
10/03/2014 10:44 am
Level 41 : Master System
Devi The Panda's Avatar
What he said :D
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