Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

[Trident Saver] save your trident from the void!

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    Level 72 : Legendary System
    Have you ever lost your trident by accidentally throwing your trident into the void? With this simple and small data pack installed, you will no longer worry using trident in the end!

    Trident Saver Data Pack only does one job, to make tridents with loyalty enchantment still be able to return after being thrown into the void. ( and this is multiplayer friendly!)

    *note: please do not worry if your trident didn't return. As long as this pack is activated, the trident may just be stuck in unloaded chunks. just increase the render distance, your loyalty trident should come back soon.

    Tutorial of how to install data pack from Minecraft wiki, just dump the zip file to the datapacks folder and that is it, no more tears for lost tridents.

    To uninstall, just delete the zip file in the datapacks folder. (this data pack does not use any scoreboard or team)

    [Trident Saver] save your trident from the void! Minecraft Data Pack
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.15
    toMinecraft 1.19

    2 Update Logs

    Update v1.2 : by kyleong 07/20/2022 8:41:11 amJul 20th, 2022

    updated for the newest Minecraft version:
    -previously if you use this pack in Minecraft 1.18 and above, the trident will return immediately below y=10 without hitting anything. now works just fine.
    -may take longer to return since the void depth has been increased to y=-64

    adjusted reload message

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    07/21/2022 12:02 am
    Level 38 : Artisan Princess
    Really annoying that Mojang doesn't want the loyality trident to return when thrown into the void!(BLAME MOJANG!!!!!!)

    Same with totem of undying when it doesn't save us from the void!(BLAME MOJANG!!!!!!!)
    07/21/2022 6:11 am
    Level 72 : Legendary System
    Maybe they want to make the end void more dangerous? I feel like it would be very easy to add it if they want.

    Anyway, there are other people that make totem work in void, just search "void totem" if you want (there are a few, with different effects)
    07/21/2022 11:31 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Princess
    03/17/2021 2:01 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    Not working in 1.16.5, datapack loads up but lacks its advertised features. The function commands are here but thats it
    03/17/2021 12:12 pm
    Level 72 : Legendary System
    Hi, I just test it in 1.16.5, and it worked as intended. Here are some possible reasons why it doesn't work in your case:

    1. The trident does not have Loyalty enchantment.

    2. The trident has been thrown into an unloaded chunk. The trident should return after that chunk is loaded again (try to increase your render distance or go near that chunk)

    if none of the above is your situation, I would like to know more about it. Thanks!
    03/17/2021 9:29 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
    It's definitely render distance, all were tested with Loyalty. Going to need a better computer :P thanks!
    08/23/2020 12:37 am
    Level 38 : Artisan Princess
    I have no idea why Mojang doesn't make the Loyalty enchantment doesn't work in the void. That annoys me using a trident while in the End dimension. How dare you Mojang! Tridents are awesome weapon added in the 1.13 update!
    04/22/2021 3:12 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    In 1.17 they will implement this!
    07/20/2022 4:51 pm
    Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
    they didn't
    08/19/2020 1:17 pm
    Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
    Hey, i am the guy who translated your AI Hunter datapack to german. I had nothing to do, so I did it again for this datapack. here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nb8riumzkxh7p7p/trident-saver-v1-0-German.zip/file
