A jam converted from a legacy event
  • Jam Hosts

    PMC's AvatarCyprezz's AvatarMcMeddon's AvatarNV_tim's Avatar
  • Joined

    Alfo247's AvatarBobaBath's Avatar_MEGAPIXEL_'s AvatarInfinite Blocks's Avatara minecraft skin maker's AvatarNoxoly's AvatarRPW Team's AvatarCaraRose's AvatarPzshR3KT's AvatarGreppi's AvatarForsa's AvatarMountainGoat888's AvatarArthur_cds's AvatarQyee's AvatarMBA Team's Avatarbrazenchessplayr's AvatarLazyAsHell's Avatarxtcs's AvatarSzynszek's AvatarCarefullFoil75's AvatarAmongGhast's AvatarIChris4o's AvatarPECORI's AvatarThymph's AvatarMacrodee's Avatargamepliostud's AvatarHomerSimpson007's AvatarThe Lasersloth's AvatarAkaFox's AvatarWolfyBuilder's AvatarS33R_OF_PYR3's AvatarAghos's AvatarGelopsys's AvatarEonlI's Avatar_Asterix's AvatarFates's AvatarProjektNic's AvatarroisHh's AvatarTheShadowDemon's AvatarNamazuDrift's AvatarLeorio75's AvatarJulienRedstone's Avatarmc_building_mc's AvatarPatatPotter's AvatarBoitameu's AvatarKiing_Watermelon's AvatarEthonic's AvatarDIDJAXE's Avataryeknom21's AvatarMC_creator's AvatarEneliaur_alguran's Avatartocinotyrant04's AvatarMr_builder97's AvatarGoFeDaKo Team's AvatarxBuzzCraft's AvatarNosferatu8's AvatarTastefullbrick's AvatarRaptor002's AvatarSky0Wings's AvatarCapPengu's AvatarCorrupted_Tree's AvatarBuildingBrute's AvatarGolden_Aaron's Avatar
  • Jam Overview

    Jam is over.
    It ran from November 8, 2021 @ 5:00 pm UTC to December 6, 2021 @ 5:00 pm UTC
    View all entries

    Basic Summary

    Unranked Jam accepted Maps from participants.
    Requires maps are downloadable.

    Read the about for more information.
  • About

    Converted Legacy Event

    This event was converted from our old contest and event system into our new jam format for historic preservation. Some details may be confusing in the new jam context.

    This event concluded!

    Read the event conclusion summary!
    Thanks to all who participated and enjoyed the event.

    Welcome to an NVIDIA sponsored build event!

    Planet Minecraft is hosting our second event in collaboration with NVIDIA GeForce! This time, the theme is open and Java & Bedrock players can easily participate! We are requiring you to download a custom starter map to provide both a common ground and build inspiration.

    McMeddon created a custom starter map for all participants to download. You must build on this starter map but you are free to choose where to build and customize the terrain. Show everyone what you can do in Minecraft!

    Sponsored by NVIDIA!
    NVIDIA is looking forward to seeing your creativity in Minecraft and providing some extra motivation! At the end of the event, they will review and choose two of their favorites to receive a new graphics card! In addition, all participants will receive a special pixel art award for their trophy case.

    The TWO favorite artists will be selected by NVIDIA to receive...

    GEFORCE RTX 3070

    The Ultimate Play
    The GeForce RTX 3070 is powered by Ampere NVIDIA's 2nd gen RTX architecture. Built with enhanced Ray Tracing Cores and Tensor Cores, new streaming multiprocessors, and high-speed G6 memory, it gives you the power you need to rip through the most demanding games.

    * Subject to shipping eligibility in the legal terms due to customs & logistics.

    How to Enter!

    The theme of this event is open ended with the primary goal of showing off your creativity.

    1. Download the required starter map.
    McMeddon has published a custom starter map specifically for this event with Java & Bedrock Editions available. You must download and build on this map.

    2. Build your entry on the starter map.
    • Choose a location on the map to build.
    • You can modify the terrain to suit your needs.
    • You can use World Edit or similar build aids to help with the creation of your build.
    • You can work by yourself or with friends but only the account that submits the map is eligible to win.
    We recommend taking screenshots with popular shaders such as BSL, SEUS or Continuum. It's okay to generate renders as well but a few in-game images are required. This event is all about showing off your best work and NVIDIA understands the desire to push graphics to their limit!

    Not allowed
    • Don't submit previously published builds
    • Don't abuse the allowance to customize the map. You can customize the terrain but do so within reason. Basically, we should be able to recognize that you started with the starter map.
    • No mods or data-packs/resource packs that add third-party content that is unavailable in vanilla Minecraft.
    In addition, all site rules apply to this event!

    3. Submit your entry into the event.
    Once you've completed your build, take screenshots or produce a video then submit it into the event by checking the Event box on the submission upload form. If your entry does not follow the rules, it will be disqualified.

    assignment_turned_in Rules & Guidelines

    Event theme is open ended but there are two requirements for entries.


    1. Must be created on the starter map.
    2. Screenshots presenting highlights of your build. Downloadable strongly encouraged but not required.

    Pro Tip: Take some time to explore the map and it's island biomes. Let it inspire you to create a build that pushes your creativity! You have a month to work on your entry.

    You may enter ONCE!
    • The standard rules of Planet Minecraft apply to all submissions.
    • You are expected to enter new work. This means you cannot enter creations previously published.
    • You are allowed to enter work that also fits an unofficial community event that is simultaneously running as long as your entry follows our event rules.
    • Collaborations and teamwork are allowed for this event but only the author will be contacted in the event the entry is selected for a prize.
    • Submissions that do not follow our requirements may be disqualified at anytime.

      help Any questions?

      If you have a question, suggestion, comment or song about this event, join the forum discussion!

    • Jam Entries
