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Level 48
Master Toast

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  • Cerasus
    1.19.4 Survival Server
    1.5k 11
    x 10
    Kraxous's Avatar Kraxous 6/2/23 12:43 • posted 2/13/23 2:45
  • Roman Auxilia
    Minecraft Skin
    1.1k 109
    Chaotikal's Avatar Chaotikal 5/26/23 10:42
  • Palaeos's Avatar
    May 23, 2023, 8:16 pm to Public
    If your account is banned, for any reason, and you wish to appeal it or think it to be a mistake, make a ticket. Accessing ANY other account and evading your ban is only likely to get your ban extended and/or the alt locked.

    I really dont get why this is such a wild concept for people.

    This drama is getting old, really old.
    Palaeos replied to ItzLolKek's comment below 2023-12-08 07:15:02
    Palaeos's Avatar
    We have a number of ways, I wont be going into it for a few reasons.
    ItzLolKek said 2023-12-08 07:03:48
    ItzLolKek's Avatar
    how do mods even find out
    Palaeos replied to anonpmc4599052's comment below 2023-08-10 20:35:00
    Palaeos's Avatar
    Because mods belong in the mod section, not posted as a steve skin. This site is for content you created, not just mods, and definitely not steve edits.
    Palaeos replied to frankmustdie's comment below 2023-07-23 06:22:26
    Palaeos's Avatar
    Make a ticket or PM me, my wall is not really for submission appeals.
    frankmustdie said 2023-07-22 23:25:34
    frankmustdie's Avatar
    Why did you delete my blog? I did everything you told me to. I misunderstood what an update log was at first and followed the directions i was given. That blog took some time to organise and I’m deeply upset that you deleted.

    I stated in my initial fix that I did not know what an update log did and i still do not fully understand it.
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  • Cranio's Avatar
    Cranio shared SSPBL's post
    May 23, 2023, 2:41 pm with Public
    SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Allergy_Man's Avatar Allergy_Man
    May 23, 2023, 12:20 pm to Public

    How It Works

    Historically palette contests have been limited to player models, now it's time for something new! Choose a Mob model to use, and make a skin with this limited palette. After the deadline, all members will be able to vote for their favorite entry!

    The Palette

    With a large variety of mobs, comes a large variety of colors, watch out though, we’re limiting the amount of colors where you can use to up to 12 out of the 32 colors. Good luck!

    64x .png Download
    PMCSkin3D Palette Link

    Palette made by Noobator

    Read the about for more information.
    View original post
  • HazelOrb's Avatar
    HazelOrb shared SSPBL's post
    May 23, 2023, 12:45 pm with Public
    SSPBL's Avatar
    SSPBL post by Allergy_Man's Avatar Allergy_Man
    May 23, 2023, 12:20 pm to Public

    How It Works

    Historically palette contests have been limited to player models, now it's time for something new! Choose a Mob model to use, and make a skin with this limited palette. After the deadline, all members will be able to vote for their favorite entry!

    The Palette

    With a large variety of mobs, comes a large variety of colors, watch out though, we’re limiting the amount of colors where you can use to up to 12 out of the 32 colors. Good luck!

    64x .png Download
    PMCSkin3D Palette Link

    Palette made by Noobator

    Read the about for more information.
    View original post
  • wldscarlet's Avatar
    May 20, 2023, 7:24 pm to Public
    Aye, I'm still alive. I have been developing the RecapMap.
    wldscarlet replied to Nitgo's comment below 2023-05-20 21:14:32
    wldscarlet's Avatar
    "We have enough food for everyone, but food isn't divided equally amongst the world, same thing with power, and censorship. "

    I am really aware of that fact. And it's really sad. Like now I'm living in a well wood decorated room with having A/C turning on almost whole day. I would likely refuse to sacrifice some of my days to endure those hardship in those harsh environment. However, I am learning to get myself be more connected to the world more. Talking with random interesting people that in work in different fields of expertise occasionally, has become my natural habit.

    I keep thinking what RecapMap could make their life better and fair.
    wldscarlet replied to Nitgo's comment below 2023-05-20 21:08:42
    wldscarlet's Avatar
    Thank you for your concern, I am appreciated that. Currently, I'm using VueJS for the front-end part. And for the back-end side, I will use Java and Neo4j database. About the search engine compatibility, it's depended on the search engine itself how it traverse through the information. If it's page search based, then having static view pages is enough. For the other search like ChatGPT, allowing it accessing to the database might be more efficient. And about the IP search engine , no, I won't make it. My goal is not crawling the internet to feed in the data to the system, but the users who consciously feed in the data through their daily usages and investment.

    My approach is not outside-in like most search engines. Instead, it will be inside-in, as its very first users will be businesses or you can say B2B (business-to-business). So their usages will help feeding in the quality information into the system. It will be slow in the beginning but my goal is to help all partner businesses grow like 200% in revenue per year, so they can help with the investment of the RecapMap development.

    Once we have enough money, anything is possible. What you can do when you have a tool that can copy an expert like yourself or someone, or let's say a CEO, for 10 times? A good system can capture the thinking processes and so much more. What could the business do with that ability? It's just the exponential growth of the business as the result of utilizing that ability.

    Recently, I made the partnership with a business that focused on personal branding and coaching.

    It's on the way. The really long game. It might take 10-20 years until all phases of development are finished, but once it reaches that very final stage, its scale will be like the combination of 4-5 biggest tech companies that everyone knows their name. That's potential I can see for now.
    Nitgo replied to wldscarlet's comment below 2023-05-20 20:20:48
    Nitgo's Avatar
    Marvelous idea, however the problem with the world was never information accessibility, it was us. Our greed, our selfish desires, our lies, our ignorance, our etc. are the things that make the world run slow. If I asked you to live on the street so 10 people in Africa can live a moderately better life, statistically speaking, you would probably not do that, and the rest of the world is the same.
    We have enough food for everyone, but food isn't divided equally amongst the world, same thing with power, and censorship.
    Sadly powerful people know the power of information, America's win against Japan was entirely based on a lie.
    Nitgo replied to wldscarlet's comment below 2023-05-20 20:13:16
    Nitgo's Avatar
    Google's first page search already does that, the issue with bard is that the AI was not cooked to wellness yet. ChatGPT's greatest strength is that its answers are based off of a relatively small data base which allows it to extract the "best" data first, and dives deeper into the TCP connection for more sentence accurate data. What you're doing isn't wrong, but what my greatest concern is that you might not be doing it in any widely compatible coding language, which would intern be incompatible with most search engines. You'll have to create your own IP search engine which would require coding experience, which was the very thing you needed to make your life 10 times easier from the beginning. Just be safe, and don't waste time.
    wldscarlet replied to Nitgo's comment below 2023-05-20 20:11:51
    wldscarlet's Avatar
    Well, for the real goal, I am afraid that I can't foresee the 5 years future. I mean, with the accelerating rates of occurrences of the world disasters (mostly from nature like virus, storm, and all things caused by climate change). The humanity is too slow to take action against it. I'm not sure if you used to watch a movie "The Day After Tomorrow". Well, I believe it's possible to happen.

    I am trying to reduce the cost of achieving anything, by 90%. If we have a central system that helps everyone has the access to the high quality of knowledge, best practices, and good platform for collaborations, on the global scale, we can successfully reduce the energy and other resource consumption, so much. That will eventually close the gap of the inequality and mitigate the root causes of climate change.

    I'm doing it to ensure that my future and everyone's future won't be ruined by the climate change and inequality, though.
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  • DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    May 18, 2023, 7:33 pm to Public
    Since someone apparently impersonated me on Skindex, I've decided to start slowly putting up my skins on this skindex profile to avoid it happening again. If someone other than that account claims to be me on Skindex, then they are lying. Cheers.
    Yuffies said 2023-05-19 11:02:20
    Yuffies's Avatar
    That's a good idea!! You could also pretty easily report players on skindex if they reupload your skins / edit without permission, and most of the time they'll get taken down.
    Zitzabis said 2023-05-19 05:24:59
    Zitzabis's Avatar
    I wish people impersonated me ;-;
    But that's an idea, maybe I should do reuploads on there just to secure it.
    SouthDakotaGirl said 2023-05-18 21:17:01
    SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
    DragonsDungeon replied to TheGuyAcrossSpace's comment below 2023-05-18 19:37:17
    DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    I think that should do it!
    DragonsDungeon replied to TheGuyAcrossSpace's comment below 2023-05-18 19:36:06
    DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    oh I must've done something wrong, hold on.
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  • Rox's Avatar
    May 18, 2023, 4:20 am to Public
  • Palaeos's Avatar
    May 11, 2023, 9:35 pm to Public
    Half the people I see calling out how upset they are about the drama on PMC are literally responsible for the drama on PMC. Also, there is a difference between a perm ban and an account lock. A perm ban is limited to an area of the site. A lock is a complete inability to use your account. You gotta do real bad things for that usually, posting about how you are going to get banned for your controversial opinion on a political topic aint it. Posting stuff that is too ToS for youtube or facebook? yeah, that'll do it. If someone like that getting banned makes you sad maybe reconsider who your friends are, they might be bad people. If you dont think they are, then maybe you are the bad person.
    Ender Sparkle said 2024-03-20 16:01:20
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    Actually scared for no reason
    SatoshiHikari said 2024-03-20 15:18:23
    SatoshiHikari's Avatar
    some people just really don't like following rules just because
    TheGlitchedRobin replied to SatoshiHikari's comment below 2024-02-28 01:05:54
    TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
    This was nearly a year ago lmfao
    SatoshiHikari replied to TheGlitchedRobin's comment below 2024-02-27 23:10:25
    SatoshiHikari's Avatar
    mods all the way
    Arianwyn replied to Palaeos's comment below 2023-05-13 09:37:06
    Arianwyn's Avatar
    Oh... Ok.

    XD Guess I'll just wait, then.
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  • Ash's Avatar
    May 11, 2023, 10:53 am to Public
    Gimme yer mythic CFTs or I'll spoil TotK /s

    jk.. 👀
    inzanely said 2023-05-11 12:06:56
    inzanely's Avatar
    jokes on you i don't own any mythics nor do i care about TotK spoilers 😎
    JadeFire170 said 2023-05-11 11:20:52
    JadeFire170's Avatar
    Okay this is one of the most hilarious threats I have ever seen. Well done.
    (I don’t collect any, please don’t hurt me 😳)
    Aelle replied to Ash's comment below 2023-05-11 11:01:27
    Aelle's Avatar
    whats spoil
    Ash replied to Aelle's comment below 2023-05-11 10:57:51
    Ash's Avatar
    /s doin some heavy lifting
    Aelle replied to Ash's comment below 2023-05-11 10:56:38
    Aelle's Avatar
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  • Shadow Effect - Texture Pack
    16x Minecraft 1.19 Realistic Texture Pack
    39.4k 6.9k 45
    x 8
    FiMiS's Avatar FiMiS 5/9/23 7:38 • posted 9/11/12 5:41
  • Palaeos's Avatar
    May 2, 2023, 4:12 pm to Public
    Im not tagging anyone or meaning any one person specifically with this post, if it applies to you, it applies to you. If it doesnt, then it doesnt.

    Ive seen a bit of drama and reports relating to whatever this PMC king/queen/dictator roleplay thing is and it needs to stop. You guys are getting a bit upset over nothing. If you cant participate without causing problems then its best if you didnt participate. If you think someone else is causing problems you can either block them, or if they are breaking the rules report them. Them not being your friend or nice to you isnt against the rules.

    Dont make a fun thing unfun, dont blow it up into some drama thing, dont take it so seriously.
    lynchyinc said 2023-05-05 06:03:43
    lynchyinc's Avatar
    Long live the king!
    FE98 said 2023-05-04 02:34:20
    FE98's Avatar
    I Understand You :)
    Stormy said 2023-05-02 16:58:45
    Stormy's Avatar
    man this whole thing is larger than i thought...
  • The Dark World
    Other Map
    x 23
    massivecraftcom's Avatar massivecraftcom 4/30/23 12:52
  • Organic and Statue
    Minecraft Collection
    • 125
    7.9k 1
    Divici 04/30/23 • posted 01/19/16
  • Otaku Projects
    Minecraft Collection
    • 87
    8.9k 1
    Divici 04/30/23 • posted 01/19/16
  • Komi Shouko - Komi Can't Communicate
    3D Art Map
    5k 7
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    Divici's Avatar Divici 4/30/23 12:37
  • Ravanna
    Other Map
    x 3
    massivecraftcom's Avatar massivecraftcom 4/30/23 12:05
  • Asp_B's Avatar
    April 25, 2023, 7:58 am to Public

    Hell yeah !🤘
  • DragonsDungeon's Avatar
    April 23, 2023, 8:23 pm to Public
    After over 10 years, I finally hit 1 million exp! Thank you for the support throughout the years :D This is basically certainly the final digit barrier I will break for exp, so it was a relief to be able to capture it in time!
    Auri said 2023-04-25 09:51:34
    Auri's Avatar
    thank you DD, very cool
    dreamCritting said 2023-04-24 07:23:03
    dreamCritting's Avatar
    Kawaii said 2023-04-24 01:50:55
    Kawaii's Avatar
    AYOO nice B)
    ObsidianFoxPlayz said 2023-04-23 21:48:21
    ObsidianFoxPlayz's Avatar
    Congrats :o
    crowedd said 2023-04-23 20:31:22
    crowedd's Avatar
    wow! :o
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  • MisterGriimm's Avatar
    April 20, 2023, 5:28 pm to Public
    Forgot to post the final image of my train render!
    Square Pirate said 2023-06-09 13:54:40
    Square Pirate's Avatar
    T r a i n
    Adrestio said 2023-04-20 22:47:15
    Adrestio's Avatar
    Wowza! That’s a clean choo choo!
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