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  • Online Presence : Building Your Creative Brand Online
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 11/17/23 11:57
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 11/10/23 6:00
  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    November 4, 2023, 9:01 pm to Public
    Hello PMC, I hope that everyone on here has been keeping well and had a happy Halloween c':. I just wanted to make a post that I am feeling a lot better mentally and I have learnt so much about myself over the past 2 months. Whether that means I'm going to post here regularly again I don't know. I feel like I still have a lot to do before I can feel comfortable doing that. I want to get to know people but I'm so so shy ;-;

    Anyway, with all that being said, here are some screenshots of some building work I have done very recently. I had been working on a huge rewrite of my resource pack since July and it is finally finished so I can use all the new textures c':

    Sending love to you all <3


    Coralski said 2023-11-12 03:15:36
    Coralski's Avatar
    That's great to hear ^^

    Little late to the party but, as others have said, take it easy!

    And awesome work as usual :D
    zalexville said 2023-11-08 20:08:17
    zalexville's Avatar
    I lurk so comments arent often but man this looks so good!
    JurassicKaiju14 said 2023-11-06 07:23:46
    JurassicKaiju14's Avatar
    Glad to hear from you again.

    Looking good! 👍
    _Grace replied to AstralSapphire's comment below 2023-11-05 15:54:54
    _Grace's Avatar
    np :D
    AstralSapphire said 2023-11-05 15:00:17
    AstralSapphire's Avatar
    Thank you so much _Grace, eagoy ;-;
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  • Crafting Your Boundaries on Planet Minecraft
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 11/3/23 6:00
  • The Value of Constructive Criticism
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 10/20/23 6:00
  • Actions That Can Get You Banned | Community Guidance
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 10/13/23 6:00
  • Etiquette on Planet Minecraft: Crafting Respectful Online Interactions
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    PMC's Avatar PMC 10/12/23 1:05
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    PMC shared Halloween Datapack Jam's post
    September 28, 2023, 1:49 pm with Public
    Halloween Datapack Jam's Avatar
    Halloween Datapack Jam post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
    September 28, 2023, 1:49 pm to Public

    Introducing our Halloween Data Pack Jam! It's a spooktacular event open to data pack creators of all skill levels and in collaboration with the Datapack Hub. Let's see what you can do this coming month!
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    NonaThaSpaceBunny replied to TADC_Jax's comment below 2024-05-04 13:41:11
    NonaThaSpaceBunny's Avatar
    lol youre late this was eight months ago
    Papa Enny said 2024-04-04 16:24:59
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    100 level yay!
    TADC_Jax said 2024-03-08 01:12:09
    TADC_Jax's Avatar
    wait but its March
    Papa Enny replied to cutecatkid's comment below 2024-02-22 17:03:07
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    you should not beg for it. If they want you in the team, you would get an info
    cutecatkid said 2024-02-21 12:11:40
    cutecatkid's Avatar
    can i be a site monider
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  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    September 23, 2023, 11:51 am to Public
    Hey PMC, I know I said that I wasn’t coming back here but the last few days have given me time to reflect on my feelings and what I said in that last post. I first want to say that I’m sorry for the harsh tone that I gave off in that post. One thing I struggle with as a person is that I tend to act strongly on conviction and emotion rather than thinking logically about situations. This causes me to overreact and take things directly to heart when that truly isn’t the case. I had also literally woken up when I made that post, so I wasn’t even thinking straight.

    I also feel like it was extremely unfair on you guys because I the post was blaming you for not interacting with me when honestly I don’t think anyone did anything wrong. You never had any obligation to talk/reply/interact with my content and to be honest, my attempts to get to know people and engage were awful. It should’ve been me who was making more of an effort to engage and I definitely should’ve taken some time to rethink my mindset before leaving dejectedly and saying what I said.

    My mental health has been in a terrible state for a very long time now and I have almost no respect for myself and my achievements. I have always focused on the negative aspects of myself and as soon as I feel I see any confirmation of such emotions, I latch onto that ‘evidence’ without even stopping to think whether it truly means what I think it does. This is evidently what happened when I made that post and now I’ve had time to think logically I regret it massively.

    I am now going to fully commit to improving my mental health in hopes that I can gain that self-respect I so desperately need. I have been watching a lot of self-confidence videos over the last few days and they made me realise that for the longest time I have always chosen to let negative emotions control me when there is absolutely no need to and that this only serves to make me feel worse. I don’t want this to be the case anymore, I want to be the best person I can be and be happy about that. I may not be able to change others, but I know I can change myself as long as I give myself the chance to. I want to focus on the positive aspects and people in my life, rather than fretting about what I don’t have.

    I never wanted to leave PMC in such a negative light, I do genuinely love the community and the appreciation that I have received for my builds. The support that I have received for my content has been insane and I can’t thank you enough. I just wish that I had been a better member and also shared that same appreciation for myself and what I do. Please also don’t feel like you need to comment or like this post (or any of my other posts etc) just because of what I said here and earlier. Only engage if you feel you want to, that’s okay and I’m happy with that . I just needed to get this message out because I have felt so bad about what I said for that last few days and I am so so sorry.

    I will continue to stay off this site for now, until I can reform myself and my mind so that you all can see the best version of me. Mental health is extremely important so if anyone is ever struggling with intense negative emotions please don’t ever be afraid to reach out to someone and get the help you need.

    Until we meet again PMC <3

    P.S Thank you to _Grace, JurassicKaiju14, ShadowOnTheLoose, Coralski, DreamWanderer, TheNewTK421, PsioPsia001, RockinReptite. C_Corp2002, anonpmc4611129 for the support and words of encouragement you gave on my last post. I'm sorry I never replied to any of you directly.

    P.P.S Hii Stormy! *Reaches out to shake your hand* Nice to meet you too, I hope we can be good friends when I am feeling better c:

    P.P.P.S While I appreciate the sentiment that I have been added to the PMC Cemetery by LegendarySi, I just want to let you that one day I'll rise from that grave so be prepared hehe :3
    Coralski said 2023-09-26 04:06:38
    Coralski's Avatar
    Glad to see you're sticking around :D, would be a shame to miss out on your work here ^^

    I'm also happy you're taking steps to focus on yourself. Never feel like you're on your own, and you're more than welcome to reach out if need!
    C_Corp2002 said 2023-09-23 16:34:41
    C_Corp2002's Avatar
    Nah don't worry about us, focus on you. If you wanna get scientific-y technical, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Take care of yourself before you take care of others etc;
    Awoolanche said 2023-09-23 15:01:11
    Awoolanche's Avatar
    Take as long break as you need. The site will be waiting for you.
    Tigerar1 said 2023-09-23 14:12:17
    Tigerar1's Avatar
    _Grace said 2023-09-23 14:03:19
    _Grace's Avatar
    You’re welcome, and I’m glad you’ll be taking care of your mental health better. :)
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  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    September 20, 2023, 1:35 am to Public
    EDIT: Please disregard the negative attitude of this post. It was made as a result of me acting heavily on my emotions without stopping to think about the way I was feeling. Its unfair on you guys too and I am sorry. I am not leaving forever, but I will be taking some time to work on my mindset so I can be the best version of myself here on PMC. Thank you for all the nice words of encouragement ;-;.

    hen I made that post last night, I kinda hoped that at least SOMEONE would reply. Barely anyone responds to any of the posts or comments I make, despite me somehow having over 400 subscribers on here. I know I can't make people reply, but when I see users with less time and subscribers than me get way more love and attention it just makes me question what I'm doing wrong here on this site and why I even try. All in all, this all just confirms all of the doubts I had that I'm not wanted on here so I don't think I'm ever going to post on here anymore. Why should I bother? Nobody seems to want to interact with me and it just makes me feel sad a lot and I can't afford to feel that way anymore. I'm still going to keep building my ships, but im not going to be posting them or anything else on PMC anymore.

    _Grace said 2023-09-23 02:17:57
    _Grace's Avatar
    (sorry for the late comment)

    oh my,, im so sorry for not paying attention to your posts that much- :(

    im so sorry for you. i hope you have a good and happy life.-
    i know i cant stop you from leaving, but
    i just want you to know that i want you here, and i dont think you're doing anything wrong at all.

    i've admired your personalty a lot as well, but i never really interacted with your posts or submissions much sadly, and im sorry for that.

    im gonna go ahead and give you a notif spam- sorry if it doesn't help, i just want to cheer you up a bit. :')

    goodbye . ;-;
    JurassicKaiju14 said 2023-09-21 09:44:29
    JurassicKaiju14's Avatar
    I'm sorry to see that things have gone so south for you. You've been a builder that I've long followed and admired even if I never directly said much beyond liking and diamonding your builds. I don't really hang around PMC much beyond looking up maps and builds to download and explore, let alone engage with the broader community all that much, and in a way I feel guilty that I didn't. Maybe I could've offered some encouragement sooner if I had been.

    I try to be optimistic and believe that things can get better for people, but if this sticks for you and you're really and truly done, then I wish you all the best of luck going forward. I hope you can take at least some solace in knowing that I, for one, have always looked forward to your new builds and creations on the site.

    And I'm sorry that I didn't say anything sooner.
    ShadowOnTheLoose said 2023-09-20 20:53:24
    ShadowOnTheLoose's Avatar
    if you ever need someone to talk to, ill be willing to listen :)
    Coralski said 2023-09-20 05:25:37
    Coralski's Avatar
    I don't necessarily treat PMC as social media, so I don't check it too often :(. There's better places to communicate with a community I think though! Twitter comes to mind, but you can also consider making a discord server and leave an invite for people to join :), it's a good way for others to even share their own work if you allow it.

    But aside from that, perhaps you can treat PMC as just your display case, like I've thought of doing, and build your closer friend community somewhere else if you feel like doing so ^^
    DreamWanderer said 2023-09-20 04:19:42
    DreamWanderer's Avatar
    Sorry to hear you go :( Somehow I missed the last post :(. But anyway I hope the best for you in life =D
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  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    AstralSapphire shared PsioPsia001's post
    September 19, 2023, 5:58 pm with Public
    It makes me feel sad to see anyone feel like they don't belong, regardless of how close I am to that person. I'm certain Psio that you have tons of people here who care about you a lot and would miss you if you left. <3 I hope you're okay, but if you need a break take all the time you need.

    I can understand this feeling a lot though, I've been on this website for almost 9 years now and I feel like I don't really have any friends on here. Back in February this year, I changed my whole mindset about PMC and wanted to be more engaging with the community to try and make some genuine friends on here. But honestly, I feel like I've completely failed in that regard.

    I have absolutely no idea on the best way to make friends here, and the one person I felt a genuine connection with has now left the website and the internet permanently, which really hurt but they believed it was better for them and I support that as long as they're happy. I also really loved the meeting people during Palentines event back in February and I was planning to get involved with other server events this year but as far as I'm aware there haven't been any since then. (If I am incorrect here, please forgive my ignorance as I clearly wasn't paying attention enough to the community events)

    I also feel like because I'm older than the majority of users here that I come across as intimidating to people. If that's the case, then I'm sorry I never intended to intimidate people. I always strive to be as friendly and caring as I can, because that's just who I am and I don't want to hide that especially when there seems to be so much misery in today's world. Of course, I can't force people to talk to/like me that's completely their choice and I respect that, I just wish I had engaged with this community waaay sooner because I love this community and this game, despite how little I say and contribute towards it.

    I have many times contemplated leaving this site for good because I just feel so incredibly out of place here or that the content I produce just isn't as impressive as what most people like to see here on PMC. I mean, I hope I'm wrong here as I overthink a lot and it can be hard for me to overcome these thoughts, but right now I'm really struggling to see otherwise.

    If anything, I think I need a huge break from here to try and figure some stuff out. It may be permanent but I don't know, there's a lot of stuff that I need to figure out about myself and who I wanna be and these emotions plague me everyday. I hope to be able to come back and be able to post again when my mindset is right, but I we'll see how things go. I'm really sorry Psio that I made this huge info dump on a share of your post. I hope you can forgive me for that :( This is something that's been on my mind for a while but I wish It hadn't been.

    Goodbye for now PMC <3

    Stay safe everyone c':
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    September 19, 2023, 4:03 pm to Public
    Sometimes I think that I don't have friends here... That no one would care if I left...
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    Stormy said 2023-09-20 06:11:27
    Stormy's Avatar

    If you don’t have any friends then let’s become friends!

    im Stormy, nice to meet ya *reaches out hand*
    TheNewTK421 said 2023-09-20 04:56:28
    TheNewTK421's Avatar
    No matter where you go from here, be strong. Live long and prosper.
    dreamCritting said 2023-09-20 04:31:13
    dreamCritting's Avatar
    What do you mean "the content I produce just isn't as impressive as what most people like to see here on PMC" that's just not true, your ships are amazing! <3

    Making friends can be hard, I'm not the kind of person to really reach out and message people and I'm fairly shy as well so I totally get feeling like it's not going well
  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    September 18, 2023, 4:48 am to Public
    I have an itch to make a new build to post on here, but I wanted to do something special for my 40th post, and I also want to finish updating all my textures before doing a new Star Trek build. So I have no idea what to do dhavshdb
    TheNewTK421 said 2023-09-20 04:13:34
    TheNewTK421's Avatar
    I wish I could have said something here, but even then I'm not really the best at coming up with suggestions. Again, I'm really sorry that you don’t get as much interaction as you should. You will be missed. :(
  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    AstralSapphire shared katress's post
    September 17, 2023, 4:25 pm with Public

    katress's Avatar
    September 17, 2023, 3:59 pm to Public
    what if you replaced all of the vowels in ur username with the letter o
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  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    September 17, 2023, 2:42 pm to Public
  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    AstralSapphire shared SnappNote's post
    September 17, 2023, 5:27 am with Public
    I feel like I'm probably a 2 or 1. Since I make infrequent and pretty obscure content xD

    Also, TYSM for 400 subs ;-; <3
    SnappNote's Avatar
    September 16, 2023, 9:07 pm to Public

    Edit: wow guys this is by far my most shared post.

    how far can we take it >:)
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    PsioPsia001 said 2023-09-20 02:58:28
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    Purpl3_ replied to AstralSapphire's comment below 2023-09-17 11:13:40
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    AstralSapphire replied to Purpl3_'s comment below 2023-09-17 11:12:03
    AstralSapphire's Avatar
    Well the fact that no-one else has given a response makes me definitely feel like a 1 xD.
    Purpl3_ said 2023-09-17 06:55:41
    Purpl3_'s Avatar
    i'd say 2-3
  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    September 16, 2023, 8:02 pm to Public
    Im 1 away from 400 subscribers so you should definitely subscribe :3 pressure ofc.

    P.S. I really do wanna begin making content here again soon, I'm just really wrapped up in texture creation right now. What started as a few new texture additions to my custom pack quickly turned into an entire redraw of almost every texture in higher detail. I'm over halfway through that now, and I wanna be building again by October.

    P.P.S I am going to bed because it's 1am oops I stayed up too late drawing gsfdgfsd. Goodnight PMC<3
  • AstralSapphire's Avatar
    AstralSapphire shared Purpl3_'s post
    September 16, 2023, 6:06 pm with Public
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    September 16, 2023, 8:27 am to Public
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    Purpl3_ replied to AstralSapphire's comment below 2023-09-16 19:59:48
    Purpl3_'s Avatar
    oh ok
    AstralSapphire replied to Purpl3_'s comment below 2023-09-16 19:59:02
    AstralSapphire's Avatar
    unfortunately I have no pets :c My brother's girlfriend has a golden retriever dog though that we often look after from time to time. His name is Bud and he's lovely ;-;
    Purpl3_ said 2023-09-16 18:12:07
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