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Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
So here's a quick project. Loosely based on some random wallpaper that flashed across my screen, this project took me a couple of days to build. It is a small castle on the edge of a lake, completely occupying the small shore-side island on which it rests. Accessible only via an arching bridge, it obviously was a formidable fortress. However, its warlike days are long behind it and it has been re-purposed into a comfortable chalet, with tall windows and comfortable quarters.

Project Details
The castle consists of the main keep and three towers: the Low Tower, the Steward's Tower, and the Lord's Tower. Entrance is over an arching bridge into the Great Hall on the second floor of the main keep. The first floor of the keep - only partially furnished - has a large workroom (or perhaps a barracks) and the kitchens. The third floor of the keep - also minimally furnished - is probably used as servants' quarters.

The Low Tower (the smallest of the three) is entirely occupied by the stairwell that provides access to the upper and lower floors. The Steward's Tower has three floors. The first floor is accessible only from the first floor; the second floor is the steward's quarters; the third floor (accessible by ladder in the steward's quarters) is an attic. The largest tower, the Lord's Tower, has a two-level storage room on the first floor, the Lord's Office on the second and the Master Bedroom on the third floor.

The castle also has a large basement. There are several small cells - perhaps the remnant of a dungeon- and a small cistern fed by a cunningly hidden inflow from the surrounding lake. One of the cells hides a one-way door that opens to an escape tunnel that leads beneath the lake and exits into the woods beyond.

My computer pulls random wallpapers from the internet, and one day this stunningly beautiful picture of a small shore-side castle flashed onto my screen. I have no idea who took the picture or if the castle was even real, but it was a stunning picture and it inspired me create this project. It wasn't intended to be an accurate representation of that castle but there are undeniable similarities. Still, I added a lot of original flourishes, and think I have created a nice little chalet that can be easily dropped into
any Minecraft world.

This map was developed on Minecraft v1.11.2 and utilized the John Smith Legacy 1.11.2 v3 resource pack. A schematic is included for any who wish to use the map in their own projects (feel free to do so, but just give me credit and let me know if)..
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by TheAvatar 05/23/2018 8:15:43 pmMay 23rd, 2018

2018 May 23
Uploaded new schematic. Made some minor changes and tweaks, most notable being the addition of structural support on the first floor and basement (extra pillars), and smoothing out the water in the lake. Oh, and some bushes in the front to give the entrance a bit of grandeur.

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09/20/2018 12:36 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Mountaineer
Simple yet beautiful, well done
05/26/2018 7:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
wow cool :)
05/09/2018 1:17 am
Level 49 : Master Architect
Looks great! Inspiration comes from very strange sources sometimes. :)
