Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

My current work - Constantinopolis

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LanteanEmperor's Avatar LanteanEmperor
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
Currently, I'm trying to rebuild a city of Constantinopolis. For now, I'm building various parts of it, and when they are finished, I'm going to place them all correctly to form one of the greatest cities of ancient and medieval history.

I'm using Anthoine Helbert's works as a source of my inspiration.

Progress for now - I've completed Forum Tauri and Augustaion square, moving to start buildings of Mesa street. This page will be updated as my work progresses.
Progress20% complete

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by LanteanEmperor 07/21/2018 10:23:03 amJul 21st, 2018

Added Porphyra Chamber and started on Boucoleon palace complex.

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12/18/2018 8:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
carlosdorelli's Avatar
How can I download?
07/21/2018 3:51 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
misterich's Avatar
I love the senat!
07/21/2018 5:59 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
LanteanEmperor's Avatar
I AM the Senate!

But thanks!
05/30/2018 10:07 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Engineer
theannihilator2's Avatar
Im really liking the baths of zeuxippos, they look great and its probably the first one of its kind ever put to minecraft keep up the great work i look forward to seeing more.
05/31/2018 2:36 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
LanteanEmperor's Avatar
Thank you so much!
05/19/2018 11:59 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Cake
marvelfannumber2's Avatar
Very nice work, I'm glad to finally see some good Byzantine builds showing up this year all of a sudden.
The proportions are a bit...odd at times I've noticed though. The Empress' Lodge in the Hagia Sophia is too small, some of the domes are a bit too big and there's a noticeable lack of statues on the trimuphal columns. The Senate House also might need some work as the number of columns on it's facade is wrong (as per Procopius).

I'm impressed you managed to get the Augustaion to be roughly the correct size though, alot of reconstructions have a bad habit of making it way too big.
05/19/2018 4:26 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
LanteanEmperor's Avatar
Thank you for your input!
As I've mentioned in description, this project is far from finish, so I've concentrated myself on general buildings and their interiors. As for statues... I'm not very good with them in Minecraft, besides, it's really difficult to combine appropriate size of buildings and somewhat distinctive statues. I'm working on a server without any special modifications, so statue mods and plagins are out of the question. If you have some tips on statue construction without any mods, I'll be most grateful.
And speaking about proportions - during Hagia Sophia's construction I used googlemaps panoramic and interior views and different illustrations, so I for myself don't see anything wrong with them, but still, thanks, I'll check dome sizes and some interior parts of the cathedral and compare them with real pictures.
I've built the Senate House's exterior from Anhoine Helbert's illustrations (Senate before Nika insurrection), where there are four columns on the facade. here's a pic http://www.antoine-helbert.com/shop/articles/91518/zoom/023546.jpg I like this building very much, so I decided to go with it and combine with Magnaura palace, thus going a little away from historical accuracy. Besides, if you look up Helbert's work on Constantinople, you'll find some similarities with pic I've presented before and his recreation of Magnaura (like some parts of old building survived the insurrection and were used in new one), so it kinda justifies my desicion. Hope you'll forgive me for that ;)
Thank you very much for your comment, I'm looking forward to your responce!
05/06/2018 12:40 am
Level 43 : Master Explorer
CPUser_'s Avatar
I am very pleased to watch all the colours you put so well on well sculpted forms. Great job!
05/06/2018 12:41 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
LanteanEmperor's Avatar
Thank you!
11/26/2017 1:58 am
Level 37 : Artisan Nerd
JCHelland's Avatar
Very impressive! Diamond and I'm subscribing to see how it comes along! Awesome work!
