A jam converted from a legacy contest
  • Jam Hosts

    PMC's Avatar-Inspech-'s AvatarAequotis's AvatarD34D's AvatarDecorated's Avatardordsor21's AvatarFeriach's AvatarGigeno's AvatarIndraft's Avatarnygma_'s AvatarPanchoElPro's Avatar
  • Joined

    Unrealands's AvatarToadieOdie's AvatarIvain's AvatarVerang's Avatarsighjess's AvatarBriskaard's AvatarMCXopjesh's AvatarDerogatory's Avatarcraftdiamonds's AvataroPqnda's AvatarMijnwerker77's Avatar8BitIce's AvatarArt Dei Tech's AvatarReduX10's AvatarDillkitte's AvatarEndPlayz's AvatarGeorgette's AvatarConsue's AvatarCommonUwU's AvatarUbalube's AvatarBarbarian's AvatarSpectral's AvatarLordNapstablook's AvatarSamosTheSage's AvatarDuvain Feynorim's Avatargoat1886's AvatarGheppio's AvatarEithrial's Avatarrep2k's Avatareagoy's Avatarblabla3's Avatarbilloxiiboy's AvatarObliviateMe's AvatarMajoras's AvatarLothiredon's AvatarAlejandrooCraftxD29's AvatarWerner_mc's AvatarI_mia_I's Avatarswiftfire211's Avatarbruno_klee's AvatarValjetaDawn's AvatarRefreshinq_'s AvatarLundie's AvatarDivici's AvatarPibge's Avataraaron11648's AvatarHubiug's AvatarEvmanz's AvatarToasterCreations's AvatarLadTH's AvatarKarinMe's Avatarkotek903's Avatarminer_McWill's AvatarPurrfectionist's Avatarcoolkid20061's AvatarMinecraft_Player88's AvatarYummyMacaroon's AvatarKaitlynPlayz's Avatarjessy999's AvatarML4Bzero's AvatarDaner's AvatarDaycare_Jr's AvatarmakeSpaceforGrace's Avatar
  • Jam Overview

    Jam is over.
    It ran from April 2, 2018 @ 4:00 pm UTC to April 23, 2018 @ 4:00 pm UTC
    View results

    Basic Summary

    Finalists Jam accepted Maps from participants.
    Requires maps are downloadable.

    Read the about for more information.


    Ranked by Judges - Only members of the jam assigned with judging permission can vote.
    Entries can't be updated during the judge phase.
    21 day entry period.

    Rating Criteria

    1. Concept & Originality
      Rated 1 to 10
    2. Technique & Execution
      Rated 1 to 10
    3. Presentation
      Rated 1 to 10
  • About

    Converted Legacy Event

    This event was converted from our old contest and event system into our new jam format for historic preservation. Some details may be confusing in the new jam context.

    Managed and Banner by: Indraft
    Trophies by: Spectral

    Introduction : Lost Island - Terraforming Contest

    Traveling across uncharted seas of mystery, Steve is wandering aimlessly yet he feels somehow closer to his next destination. He charts his map as he goes for future adventures to follow. On the horizon, the terrain he's been looking for rises up through thick clouds. He's arrived!

    The goal is simple: Create an island that one may stumble upon in their travels. It may be any size, shape, biome, or material, but it must be considered an island or isolated body of land. Your terrain may be surrounded by water, air, space, lava or other. Want to create a permafrost-ed tundra, a verdant spring or a floating deep space island? All are welcome in this solo contest, so show us what you got!

    This contest is different from the other previous project contests that we have done. The idea is that you terraform an island to follow the goal and contest theme. Not sure what terraforming is? Scroll down below to the FAQ.

    Contest Official Forum Thread

    These rules may change between contests, so please be sure to read them carefully in case they are different from the previous ones! Failure to comply with these rules will result in the immediate disqualification of your submission and/or being banned from the contest entirely.

    General Rules

    • You must create your submission relating to the contest topic and goal.
    • Your build must be original and not an old build or plagiarized build from somebody else. Remember, originality is key!
    • We are allowing the use of royalty free, public "packs" of organic structures specifically created for reuse in terraforming projects.
    • You must build alone! You are not allowed help from other players. Equally, alone means as a singular person and does not include single entities (build groups).
    • 50% or more of the screenshots must be unedited in-game shots (yes, this means no shaders or heavy photoshopping please!)
    • You must use the default texture pack. This is a build contest, not a texturing contest. Judges will also be reviewing your builds in the default texture pack.
    • Presentation is very important! Please be sure to add lots of screenshots (unedited shots are best), detail to your lore, give some description as to your building process and all in all just present your submission well.
    • 1 entry per user! "Update" your submission if you need to, but do remember that once the build period has ended, you won't be allowed to edit your submission any more.
    • You may not use any tools that produce an output for you. Building aides are allowed, but don't let a program do the main work for you (3D model converters, etc).
    • No mods! Must be vanilla Minecraft, 1.12 or below. Judges will also be judging the submission in vanilla Minecraft. Any foreign blocks will be discarded from the final judging.

    Help & FAQ

    What is terraforming?

    Terraforming is the creation of a landscape or a terrain. You may use aids to do this, but it is not required. Examples of terraforming are as follows:

    How to get started with Minecraft Terraforming?

    To help you get started here is an excellent 11 part tutorial on Minecraft terraforming providing a series of blogs which cover understanding the basics of terraforming concepts to advanced terraforming techniques by member kette442.

    There are many aids you may use in terraforming, some of these may be programs such as World Machine and WorldPainter or internal server plugins like VoxelSniper and WorldEdit. Each of these have their own functions and uses:

    1. World Machine: World Machine is an external program not relating to minecraft that can create landscapes using nodes and formulas. The program is not free, but there is a trial that allows you to create 512 by 512 block terrains. World Machine in itself is a bit advanced, but here's some tutorials by user Aerios that may help:
    2. WorldPainter: WorldPainter is a free height based program that was created for Minecraft usage. It allows you to create a terrain using custom brushes or in-program brushes already included. WorldPainter is a very simple program and there are many custom brushes and tutorials available on Planet Minecraft.
    3. VoxelSniper: VoxelSniper is an internal server plugin that was created for terraforming. It has many functions, such as overlaying a material onto a terrain, or creating a landscape. VoxelSniper is not height-based like World Machine or World Painter, so you have more freedom with what you create.
    4. WorldEdit: WorldEdit is an internal server plugin that is essentially a builder's best friend. Though not created for terraforming, it can be used for it. There are various functions of WorldEdit, such as replacing blocks, stacking a selection, copying and/or pasting a selection, etc. There are quite a number of tutorials on WorldEdit in Planet Minecraft, but here are some of the few:
    Of course, there are other ways to create your landscape, such as through goBrush by Arcaniax, ZBrush, or by placing the blocks by hand. There is no required tool that you have to use.

    Is there a height limit?


    Is there a size limit?


    Can I build on top of my terrain?

    Yes, but the buildings on top of the terrain will be discarded from judging, as judging is based solely on the terrain. If you choose to build on top of your terrain, please provide screenshots or renders without the buildings so it may be judged accordingly.

    Is there a starter map?


    Do I have to use a program and/or plugin aid?



    Entries will be judged by a panel of your PlanetMinecraft peers. We'll be assembling a team of individuals to judge; don't worry if there aren't any yet, they will be added soon! During the first phase, judges will be scouring builds, disqualifying entries that break the rules and diamonding posts that they like. Remember that judge diamonds are worth a lot! Once the build period is up, the contest will enter phase two.The second phase consists of 5 days of review; the judges will go over the entries and find any straggling rule breakers. Users will have time to diamond and view more of the entrants.The final phase involves the judges judging all of the finalists, which are calculated based on an aggregate score of activity and votes.You will be judged on the following aspects, on a 1-10 inclusive scale:
    • Concept & Originality: Fresh, new ideas and crazy concepts! Try to do something new, differentiate yourself from the status quo and show us what you're made of.
    • Technique & Execution: Color, shape, texture - be sure your build flows together and represents what you are trying to accomplish.
    • Presentation & Experience: Presentation of a build can really help to make an impression. Be sure you've got good screenshots, spend some time on the post!

    All ready to enter? Great!

    Step 1: Create a terrain, and have fun! You have three weeks to create. You are in no rush to post your map, and may post it any time before the posting period.

    Step 2: Load the map in Minecraft, and have fun! You have three weeks to build. You are in no rush to post your map, and may post it any time before the posting period.

    Step 3: When you're ready to post, head back to your Minecraft saves folder and zip the map folder. Windows users can right-click and Add To > New Compressed Archive; you may also use a third party program such as WinRAR or 7zip.

    Step 4: Go to the Create New Project page on PlanetMinecraft and upload your map as normal! Be sure to take many screenshots to show off the interiors.


    First Place
    • $50 Steam Credit; games will be gifted to your Steam account. Winner may choose more than one game but the total must be $50 or less. Must have a Steam account to claim prize, no substitutes.
    • A special gold, first place trophy in your profiles' trophy case
    • Profile featured on PMC for 1 week
    Second Place
    • A special silver, second place trophy in your profiles' trophy case
    • Profile featured on PMC for 1 week
    Third Place
    • A special bronze, third place trophy in your profiles' trophy case
    • Profile featured on PMC for 1 week
    • A special finalist medal in your profiles' trophy case
    • A special participant badge in your profiles' trophy case

  • Jam Entries

  • Jam Results

    During this jam, 61 entries were submitted between April 2, 2018 @ 4:00 pm UTC and April 23, 2018 @ 4:00 pm UTC.
    490 ratings were given to 49 finalists between April 23, 2018 @ 4:00 pm UTC and May 12, 2018 @ 4:00 pm UTC.
    The average number of ratings per entry was 10.00 and the median was 10.
    • Paradise Contaminated 3k by 3k map 1st Place Lost Island!
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      16.4k 1.3k 24
      x 20
      Consue's AvatarConsue 4/21/18 3:53
    • Ranked 1st for overall jam
      with a score of 26.100 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality4th8.1008.10010
      Technique & Execution1st9.0009.00010
      Overall Score1st26.10026.10030
    • Thee Desolated Refuge of Psychoactive Delusions
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      9.3k 659 39
      x 20
      Barbarian's AvatarBarbarian 4/20/18 8:00
    • Ranked 2nd for overall jam
      with a score of 25.800 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality1st8.9008.90010
      Technique & Execution3rd8.2008.20010
      Overall Score2nd25.80025.80030
    • Unsounded -- Fragments of the Soulscape --
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      12.4k 459 29
      x 20
      Ivain's AvatarIvain 4/23/18 9:39
    • Ranked 3rd for overall jam
      with a score of 25.700 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality3rd8.7008.70010
      Technique & Execution2nd8.6008.60010
      Overall Score3rd25.70025.70030
    • Tiāntán Sanctuary (LI SC)(2k x 2k)(1.12+)(4th Place)
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      7.5k 406 14
      x 14
      Art Dei Tech's AvatarArt Dei Tech 4/22/18 8:56
    • Ranked 4th for overall jam
      with a score of 24.000 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality2nd8.8008.80010
      Technique & Execution4th8.1008.10010
      Overall Score4th24.00024.00030
    • "Overpopulated Habitat" - 1000x1000 Lost Island Terraforming Contest
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      3.8k 189 9
      x 20
      Verang's AvatarVerang 4/23/18 8:56
    • Ranked 5th for overall jam
      with a score of 20.600 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality6th7.0007.00010
      Technique & Execution6th6.8006.80010
      Overall Score5th20.60020.60030
    • The Isolated Crag - [1000 x 1000 Custom Terrain] [Contest Entry]
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      11.1k 1.1k 16
      x 6
      Daner's AvatarDaner 4/5/18 4:51
    • Ranked 6th for overall jam
      with a score of 18.300 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality15th5.4005.40010
      Technique & Execution5th6.8006.80010
      Overall Score6th18.30018.30030
    • Broken Dreams
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      3.3k 154 2
      x 8
      Derogatory's AvatarDerogatory 4/23/18 2:53
    • Ranked 7th for overall jam
      with a score of 18.000 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality8th6.1006.10010
      Technique & Execution12th5.8005.80010
      Overall Score7th18.00018.00030
    • Υυmmγ' - ♥ Lost Island Terraforming Contest ♥ - 2k x 2k
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      6k 557 16
      x 16
      YummyMacaroon's AvatarYummyMacaroon 4/17/18 7:56 • posted 4/6/18 2:03
    • Ranked 8th for overall jam
      with a score of 17.500 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality17th5.3005.30010
      Technique & Execution7th6.5006.50010
      Overall Score8th17.50017.50030
    • Gllorus Island
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      6.4k 558 2
      x 20
      Unrealands's AvatarUnrealands 4/23/18 10:57
    • Ranked 9th for overall jam
      with a score of 17.500 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality18th5.2005.20010
      Technique & Execution8th6.3006.30010
      Overall Score9th17.50017.50030
    • Northern Archipelago 3K x 3K -Island Contest- (Survival Ready)
      Environment / Landscaping Map
      14.9k 1.1k 8
      x 10
      ValjetaDawn's AvatarValjetaDawn 4/11/18 9:07
    • Ranked 10th for overall jam
      with a score of 17.300 out of 30 from 10 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Concept & Originality13th5.5005.50010
      Technique & Execution10th6.0006.00010
      Overall Score10th17.30017.30030
