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    Hey, welcome!
    Uhh, I don't expect anyone to really come back here
    but uh, welcome anyway! I'm just a user, like anyone
    else, I don't attract much attention, but try my best
    at a lot of things! Like my stuff? Diamond it!
    Again, thanks for coming, enjoy your stay!

    I should also add that if you add my skins to anything,
    credit me, just don't repost my stuff. not cool.

    I also use Spotty's Items, by Sp0ty, to make a lot my
    Screenshot edits. Thanks to them for giving me permission!
    Link to Pack: www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/spotty-items/

    A lot of my submissions also have images which use
    Postimage (Might be switching to Discord..), and to
    render/make backgrounds transparent, I use Blender, frustrating and
    hard at times, but the outcome is worth it to a T!
    (Note, for older skins of mine, their renders used green screen removers,
    paint.net for touching them up and overall, Blender wasn't used at all during that time...)
  • InterPost, "Posters, Post!"

    Banner W.I.P.
    Location: Patterson Pat Hotel, [​REDACTED]
    Bystanders: Brian Patterson (DECEASED), Alice Patterson (DECEASED), Oliver Patterson (ALIVE).
    Extensions: Titanium (Amount: [​REDACTED]), Rooms (Amount: 561), [​REDACTED]

    Thank you, [​REDACTED], have a nice day!
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