Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

BACAP Language Pack (For BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack)

    • 222,855 views, 125 today
    • 93,750 downloads, 61 today
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    • 74
    Level 88 : Elite Programmer
    This is a resource pack which translates BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack into other languages.

    This resource pack has no effect on vanilla Minecraft.

    Supported languages:
    The version numbers listed relate to the versions of the datapack, not of Minecraft.
    1.17, 1.17.3 and 1.18 = Minecraft 1.21.
    1.16 = Minecraft 1.20.
    1.15 = Minecraft 1.19.

    - Belarusian (Cyrillic and Latin) (1.18)
    - Chinese (Simplified)
    - Chinese (Traditional) (1.18)
    - Czech (1.15)

    - French (1.18)

    - German (1.17)
    - Italian (1.18)

    - Japanese (1.6)
    - Korean (1.18)
    - Polish (1.17)
    - Portuguese (1.17)

    - Romanian (1.18)
    - Russian (1.18)
    - Russian (Pre-revolutionary) (1.17)

    - Spanish (1.17.3)
    - Turkish (1.18)
    - Ukrainian (1.18)
    - Vietnamese (1.18)

    - Pirate Speak (PIRATE) (1.18)
    - LOLCAT
    (Kingdom of Cats) (1.18)
    - ɥsᴉꞁᵷuƎ (uʍoᗡ ǝpᴉsd∩) (1.18)

    WARNING: I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of translations.

    Installation and usage:

    This is a resource pack, so it has different installation instructions to the Advancements Pack.

    1) Enter Minecraft’s Resource Pack menu, then click “Open Pack Folder”

    2) Copy and paste the BACAP Language Pack into the folder.
    3) Select it, then in Minecraft’s Languages menu, select the language you want to play in. This will cause the names and descriptions of advancements to appear in the selected language, if it is supported. Trophies and the config menu are also translated.

    Note: The current version available in the download link is made for Minecraft 1.20.4. It will still work in earlier versions even though Minecraft will say it is incompatible.

    Help me translate:

    If you want to help translate by updating an existing translation or translating a new language, follow these instructions.

    1) Open the base_language_file, which is an empty language file that comes with the latest version of the BACAP Language Resource Pack.
    2) Follow the instructions inside to translate it.
    3) Send it back to me in a private message. If your translation makes it in you will be credited.

    If you are running a server, please note in the description that it supports translation using the BACAP Language Pack, and provide a link to the Planet Minecraft page.

    Translator credits:

    - Belarusian -

    - Chinese (Simplified) -

    - (1.5)
    - (1.9)
    - (1.10 - present)

    - Chinese (Traditional) -

    - Czech -
    Tereza Breburdová - Translator
    Dettlaff van der Eretein - Sent me the translation

    - French -
    - (1.8 - present) Also came up with the "Hell Botanist", "Giddy Up!", "Foxy Thievery", "Dead Really Don't Die", "Hot Tub", "Inspector Gadget" advancements, and the idea for the "Noteworthy" advancement.
    - Some contributions to (1.8)
    - (1.10)
    El Kien
    - (1.13)

    - German -
    PuddingPapst (1.7)
    Enucius - (1.12 - 1.13)

    - Italian -
    Polkanizki (1.16)
    AlexQret (1.18)

    - Japanese -
    Atmosphere Tile - Also came up with the "Beethoven", "Emerald Miner" and "The Beginning" advancements as well as the name "Fashion Statement".

    - Korean -
    원숭이 - (1.9)
    webcam, Fujiwarano_Kai and ReaLizer (1.11)
    NewDays - (1.12 - present)

    - Polish -
    MRaczek, Adizzowek, TheVeS (1.11 - 1.12)
    IHaveNoIdeaForAName - (1.13)
    JustMichael (1.16-1.17)

    - Portuguese -
    Ralph10 (1.10-1.13)
    maycon (1.17)

    - Romanian -

    - Russian -
    SoSeDiK (1.4-1.10)
    vlad8599 - Some contributions to (1.10)
    KorS1z - (1.11-1.12)
    Marsik_the_alien (1.13-1.13.2)
    _InGlorious_ (1.13.7)
    Harrydi (1.14)
    StrongDeep (1.15-1.16)
    y13gkb (1.17)
    vinelia (1.17 - present)

    - Russian (Pre-revolutionary) -

    - Spanish -
    - (1.3)
    EsFredderick - (1.9 - 1.16)
    xMrPolx and CoolgirlOmega (1.17)

    - Turkish -
    0yiqitozturk (1.13)
    A6TheKMF (1.17 - present)

    - Ukrainian -
    PurpleBear - (1.11)
    Marsik_the_alien - (1.12 - 1.13)
    nb - (1.15)
    TriggeerCat (1.17 - present)

    - Vietnamese -
    FehnLmao - Some contributions

    - Pirate Speak and LOLCAT -

    - ɥsᴉꞁᵷuƎ (uʍoᗡ ǝpᴉsd∩) -
    Progress100% complete
    Game VersionMinecraft 1.21.4

    19 Update Logs

    1.18 Update : by Cavinator1 12/13/2024 6:12:20 pmDec 13th, 2024

    - Added support for all new advancements, trophies and description changes in BACAP 1.18.
    - Added translation for Belarusian (Latin), courtesy of team MMbe_.
    - Updated translations of the following languages to 1.18:
    -- Belarusian (Cyrillic) by team MMbe_.
    -- Chinese (Simplified) by MadCroiX573.
    -- Chinese (Traditional) by TorchGod.
    -- French by Personnedu59.
    -- Italian by AlexQret.
    -- Korean by Newdays.
    -- Romanian by woob.
    -- Russian by vinelia.
    -- Turkish by A6TheKMF.
    -- Ukrainian by TriggeerCat.
    -- Vietnamese by Hizeng.
    -- English (Upside Down) by BlackBird_6.
    -- Pirate Speak and LOLCAT by Cavinator1.

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    01/16/2025 11:01 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Когда выйдет перевод 1.24.4
    11/11/2024 5:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Hello, please tell me why my game doesn't have a Russian translation, I did everything according to the instructions
    11/12/2024 1:17 am
    Level 88 : Elite Programmer
    So were you able to select the BACAP Language Pack in the resource pack list? And then enable it in gameplay? And then in the Languages section in Minecraft's options, you selected Русский (Russian)?
    Does it work if you select any other language that has a translation? (Such as Pirate Speak?)
    11/11/2024 1:28 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    hi,For some reason I can't download this file.
    11/08/2024 6:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    I'd like to help work on a translation. How can I do it?
    11/10/2024 9:34 pm
    Level 88 : Elite Programmer
    Download the BACAP Language Pack. Inside is a file named "base_language_file.json"

    Put in translations inbetween the two speech marks "" on the right-hand side of the english text
    11/19/2024 11:03 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Will do🙏🏻
    Team UNNAMED
    11/06/2024 5:59 pm
    Level 68 : High Grandmaster Creeper
    *cough* sure?
    08/10/2024 12:59 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    In Chinese (Traditional) has some translation errors, like 'dragon vs dragon' goal, it's mean "頭戴上龍首時擊殺終界龍" but it says "頭戴龍首擊殺凋零". The other one 'rocket man' challenge, it's mean "把物品欄塞滿煙火" not "頭戴龍首擊殺終界龍", please fix it, thanks.
    08/10/2024 7:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Typo confirmed, thanks for the report! 做這麼久終於收到回饋了謝啦哈哈
