Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

Slightly Improved Worldgen

  • check_circle Loot Tables
  • check_circle Predicates
  • check_circle Structures
  • 13,349 views, 4 today
  • 1,397 downloads, 1 today
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Enders Host's Avatar Enders Host
Level 73 : Legendary Blacksmith
This data pack slightly improves the vanilla world generation.
This datapack modifies biome generation such as foliage and also adds some new villages.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Enders Host 08/17/2020 1:25:17 amAug 17th, 2020

- added dead, old, and stump trees to the forest
- added witch swamp village
- added ruined forest village

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02/06/2021 1:16 am
Level 35 : Artisan Carrot
Runnybabbit223's Avatar
Cool pack!

does it work with realms?
01/27/2021 6:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ArchLand's Avatar
incompatible with swamp villages data pack https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/swamp-villages/
11/27/2020 6:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Niko_Brawl's Avatar
hey bro, in the pictures have flowers and detail on the gras block, is a resourpack? bacause i didnt see nothing :/, but i love this data is an awesome work, i like the "swamp ilager vilage" is amazing, thx
Enders Host
11/27/2020 10:22 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Blacksmith
Enders Host's Avatar
09/02/2020 4:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Britonknight's Avatar
Is this data pack compatible with some of your other data packs e.g. Improved villages?
08/25/2020 10:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3205463G's Avatar
I do not think that this datapack has beehives on any trees? I'm playing with it, and the flower forest is devoid of bees
08/19/2020 7:22 am
Level 47 : Master Lemon
Cray_On's Avatar
That's a very exciting datapack! I mean it's one of the first to edit the overworld properly.
I'm trying to update my Mo' Structures datapack myself thanks to the new worldgen system so I tried to understand the way it works by fiddling with yours but I can't make it work. Do you have sources where we can learn how it works or expect a tutorial from you, I'd really like it!!
By the way, I really like what you do, I'm excited every time you upload something new :>
Enders Host
08/19/2020 4:33 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Blacksmith
Enders Host's Avatar
At the moment the structure gen is quite limited, to my knowledge it's only possible to use the three existing structure types: village, bastion, and outpost, but I might be wrong. The most important thing is that all of the files referenced exist, if they don't it won't work. The easiest way to add structures/villages is to just use the vanilla files as a template, renaming everywhere it says 'village_plains' for example to 'village_jungle'.
If you want to make a structures more common, you can probably modify the structure noise setting to make villages more common and then add a empty town centre option that's far more common than the others, allowing you to have your structures spawn frequently while keeping regular villages rare (or maybe just move pillager outposts into the village category, then make the pillager outpost type more common and use that to spawn your structures), though I haven't tested this and I'm not sure if there's a better way of doing it.
To add a single structure (not an entire village), create the files to spawn the town centre then just don't reference to any other files within it.
The best references are of course the wiki and vanilla pack, though for a lot of it, trial and error is currently the best option. Hope this helps :)
08/20/2020 8:53 am
Level 47 : Master Lemon
Cray_On's Avatar
Oh it's more limited that I thought indeed, but I understand your method thanks!
I'm going to fiddle with it a little more and hopefully we'll get more freedom upon generationssoon 🤞
Thanks again :>
08/21/2020 1:29 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ornicar's Avatar
I already saw datapacks updating also the Mansion, Igloo and EndCity
