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    • Wildflowers's Avatar
      Wildflowers shared DinowCookie's post
      July 16, 2021, 1:59 pm with Public
    • Wildflowers's Avatar
      November 9, 2020, 6:01 pm to Public
      Hi everyone, I know I'm not very active here anymore but I thought that I'd let you know that I've started streaming casually on Twitch a bit. I'll mostly be streaming games with friends and will likely do art streams every once in a while, I don't have a set schedule and I just stream very randomly right now. Feel free to follow if you're interested in watching at all
    • Wildflowers's Avatar
      Wildflowers shared DragonsDungeon's post
      July 25, 2020, 9:38 am with Public
      DragonsDungeon's Avatar
      July 24, 2020, 4:52 pm to Public
      Don't apologise for taking a break from something that was once fun and has turned into what feels like a chore: in the context of skinmaking on pmc, skins you post on planetminecraft will commonly be something you do as a hobby; people do not have the right to expect you to make a skin to a schedule when this is the case. People shouldn't push that expecation onto anyone, neither should you have to push it onto yourself. I think me, and several others, much prefer to see one or more really really good skins followed by a break, than someone churning out par to subpar skins because of lack of enthusiasm; if you can stay on your A-game while making several skins a day, by any means do so, that's awesome, just make sure you stay fresh and interested.

      Taking a break from anything that you spend your freetime doing is to be expected, in fact, I'd encourage anyone to just do it without even having to explain why: Breaks being good for your continued interest and enthusiasm in the subject is all the reason needed. Stay on top lads!
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    • Wildflowers's Avatar
      July 23, 2020, 11:38 am to Public
      Thank you all so much for 1010 subs ♥ I'm so extremely grateful to have had so many supporters over the years and I'm over the moon with joy that I've come this far. I'd like to try to do something special in return but I'm currently on vacation, I'll try to think something up for when I return ♥
    • Wildflowers's Avatar
      Wildflowers shared DragonsDungeon's post
      May 17, 2020, 7:27 pm with Public
      DragonsDungeon's Avatar
      May 16, 2020, 8:05 pm to Public
      We did it! Thank you everyone, this one took a while. Trending dynamics are utmost confusing...
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